I don't think he is saying that at all. He said because the work force has been reduced and the same number of people called in sick, percentage wise the number is greater.
I truly do not understand how you can defend approximately three hundred of your peers not being at work over the holiday. As I stated in a previous post, is USAirways supposed to keep 200 extra bodies on the F/A payroll in order to protect two weeks of the year? Is that cost effecient? Does the AFA keep extra bodies on the payroll at national or local levels.
I also find it interesting that your heroines, Pat Friend and Teddy, go before the local and national press and state that the sick calls were the same as last year. True, they were. What lead to the cancellations was that very few, if any, flight attendants went on the bid sheet for that stretch of days. Your associates left that part of the equation out of the interview.