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Us Airways: All Out Weekend Effort

Peeky said:
• Jerry Glass, senior vice president of employee relations who is based in Arlington, Va., strolled through Philadelphia International yesterday.

No it should read:

Jerry Glass, senior vice president of employee ABUSE
deano said:
I Because I was many different names on these boards several of which where designed to stir the pot until as cavalier I was forever banned, so the party is over for me but still interested although retired. My journey thru these boards has shown the true identities/motives of many posters, including you Lindy and your sense of repugnance and pure contempt for labor.

Let me see if I get this straight. You have used many different names, you have stirred the pot, you have been banned. Now, you are retired and you pay money to gain access to these boards.

How pathetic is that. CAV, DEANO, or whoever you are, get a life. Smell the roses, take a walk, move on.

By the way, I have no contempt for labor. I pay union dues monthly. My repugnance is for those labor leaders with whom I do not agree.

lindy said:
Let me see if I get this straight. You have used many different names, you have stirred the pot, you have been banned. Now, you are retired and you pay money to gain access to these boards.

How pathetic is that. CAV, DEANO, or whoever you are, get a life. Smell the roses, take a walk, move on.

By the way, I have no contempt for labor. I pay union dues monthly. My repugnance is for those labor leaders with whom I do not agree.

Come to the point...and name it___YOU HATE "TEDDY"!!!

You as much as told me so in PM's

Bye Lindy, get a grip___Curt
lindy said:
I don't think he is saying that at all. He said because the work force has been reduced and the same number of people called in sick, percentage wise the number is greater.

I truly do not understand how you can defend approximately three hundred of your peers not being at work over the holiday. As I stated in a previous post, is USAirways supposed to keep 200 extra bodies on the F/A payroll in order to protect two weeks of the year? Is that cost effecient? Does the AFA keep extra bodies on the payroll at national or local levels.

I also find it interesting that your heroines, Pat Friend and Teddy, go before the local and national press and state that the sick calls were the same as last year. True, they were. What lead to the cancellations was that very few, if any, flight attendants went on the bid sheet for that stretch of days. Your associates left that part of the equation out of the interview.



What sense do you make?

If folks are SCHEDULED off, why would they go on a bid sheet to fly?

Vacation fly back was offered on Christmas day, no less? Why wait til xmas day to announce this. Many f/a wouldn 't see the CBS message to even know this from their houses. For Geezus sake, do you just come on her and spout off like you have any credibility with what you are saying. Vacation fly back has been offered for years in December, and announced BEFORE the month starts, so f/as can plan to "fly back".

The company was just clueless, and management were on their own xmas vacations after serious negotiations will all of labor for months and months and months.

You are no more a dues paying member than Jerold Glass.

Get for real.
I truly do not understand how you can defend approximately three hundred of your peers not being at work over the holiday. As I stated in a previous post, is USAirways supposed to keep 200 extra bodies on the F/A payroll in order to protect two weeks of the year? Is that cost effecient? Does the AFA keep extra bodies on the payroll at national or local levels.

I also find it interesting that your heroines, Pat Friend and Teddy, go before the local and national press and state that the sick calls were the same as last year. True, they were. What lead to the cancellations was that very few, if any, flight attendants went on the bid sheet for that stretch of days. Your associates left that part of the equation out of the interview.


I guess the great Sherry Groff's space positve travel incentive went over very well.
the was a f&%$ slap in the face. All the money that they lost could have been used to purchase a few SUVs to raffle off. That would have kept some people from calling off. Actually, dbl time for all employees working 23rd thru the 26th and 30th thru the 2nd would have cost less money that they lost.
Phoenix said:
Another beer exits the nose!
You may want to consider quiting drinking and posting at the same time. Not only is it a waste of beer, it burns. 😀
Welcome back Longing,

I was wondering when you would come back and post.

Love ya, miss ya, need ya! 😛

You may have not read the Pittsburgh Post Gazette today, www.postgazette.com

Our Senior VP finally admits the operational errors of managment.

Try to tell you folks.

Managements come and go....U employees, are "lifers".
PITbull said:
Welcome back Longing,

I was wondering when you would come back and post.

Love ya, miss ya, need ya! 😛

Oh I'm here everyday, lurking, laughing, crying, getting pi$$ed and slapping hand to keep from posting. I'm one of those anonymous posters that show up on the bottom

Let's just say I have issues with management at this point and leave it at that.

BTW, it is nice to be missed. Trust me after 25 years of ups and downs with this airline, I'm not going anywhere. Besides, it is too much fun giving it back to 700 and Curt (and a certain young lady) when they need to be humbled. :lol:

Happy New Year to all. Let's hope it is a prosperous one as well.
deano said:
Come to the point...and name it___YOU HATE "TEDDY"!!!

You as much as told me so in PM's

Bye Lindy, get a grip___Curt

Do you have no scruples? The only time I p.m'd you was in response to your invite that we meet. Since I never trusted you, I declined. Please do not continue to lie.

I don't hate Teddy. I don't know her. I just disagree with her and her mouth piece, THE Bull.

As I said previously, please, get a life. Enjoy your retirement. Spend your time and money on more worthwhile ventures.

lindy said:
Do you have no scruples? The only time I p.m'd you was in response to your invite that we meet. Since I never trusted you, I declined. Please do not continue to lie.

I don't hate Teddy. I don't know her. I just disagree with her and her mouth piece, THE Bull.

As I said previously, please, get a life. Enjoy your retirement. Spend your time and money on more worthwhile ventures.


Computers have the ability to "SAVE" and I did just that...do you want me to post what you said? I never asked to meet you Lindy, the way you wrote me was, well scary. And then when you decided I was not of your mind set you blocked me from Pming you at which point I laughed, then you were gone until now. I agree with pitbull, you pay union dues as much as Glass does.

What you need to understand is I don’t care what you or anyone says. I know exactly who I am and who I am not, dare to test my resolve Lindy, go for it.

deano said:
Computers have the ability to "SAVE" and I did just that...do you want me to post what you said? I never asked to meet you Lindy, the way you wrote me was, well scary. And then when you decided I was not of your mind set you blocked me from Pming you at which point I laughed, then you were gone until now. I agree with pitbull, you pay union dues as much as Glass does.

What you need to understand is I don’t care what you or anyone says. I know exactly who I am and who I am not, dare to test my resolve Lindy, go for it.


You are a waste of time. By your own admission you came on here, under several aliases, in order to "stir the pot." Too bad you do not have better things to do in retirement. What a miserable life you must lead.

By the way, Pitbull. I truly am sorry regarding your health. I do not make that statement, "tongue in cheek." There is more to life than AFA and US Airways.
I learned that a long time ago.

lindy said:
There is more to life than AFA and US Airways.
I learned that a long time ago.



For this we agree. No offense taken. 🙂
lindy said:
You are a waste of time. By your own admission you came on here, under several aliases, in order to "stir the pot." Too bad you do not have better things to do in retirement. What a miserable life you must lead.

By the way, Pitbull. I truly am sorry regarding your health. I do not make that statement, "tongue in cheek." There is more to life than AFA and US Airways.
I learned that a long time ago.


Get it straight Lindy Girly...I recently retired. When I was "stirring the potâ€￾ I was still an active employee, so if you’re going to cause trouble get it straight. I am only here to see what happens to my fellow IAM brothers which will be real soon with the up coming court hearings and the postings on here that will follow, and then my $1.99 fees for reading posters as goofy and asinine as yours, will be no more.

If you’re married, your husband deserves a gold medallion.

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