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US Airways - AA merger?


Jan 14, 2011
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I'm an AA AMT, is USair and America West still operating as two airlines, with West flt crews separate from East crews, and West mechs still separate from East mechs?
I'm an AA AMT, is USair and America West still operating as two airlines, with West flt crews separate from East crews, and West mechs still separate from East mechs?

The pilots are not flying together because the East pilots walked away from binding arbitration by throwing out ALPA and forming their own union. Their failure to abide by the results of the arbitration and the failure of their union to fairly represent the West pilot group has resulted in years of court battles.

There will be no East-West once we are American. This is coming to a resolution in the near future despite the East pilots desire of continued seperate ops.
The Mech's have been combined for years as have been the Fleet and CS groups.
The pilots are not flying together because the East pilots walked away from binding arbitration by throwing out ALPA and forming their own union. Their failure to abide by the results of the arbitration and the failure of their union to fairly represent the West pilot group has resulted in years of court battles.

There will be no East-West once we are American. This is coming to a resolution in the near future despite the East pilots desire of continued seperate ops.


Let me put it to you another way than my Nic blinded friend did.

The pilots transition agreement in the AWA merger called for 3 things to happen before we were integrated:

1)Single operating certificate
2)Single seniority list
3)Joint collective bargaining agreement

We never got #3, so we were never integrated. The MOU with AA will change all of that.
Great info, another question: Does anyone know if there is going to be an early out package?
Great info, another question: Does anyone know if there is going to be an early out package?

I think we all want an early out from the previous merger. I'm not aware of early out packages that go along with it though🙁
FA's get $40k for early out on exit of BK and 1500 max can take it unless AA wants to up that amount.

Nothing in TWU's futuren don't know about pilots.

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