US 1549 driven through the streets of Hudson County

Assuming the hull is a total loss, it should be towed somewhere, modified and put to use as an aviation safety museum. It would be a nice opportunity to draw crowds into a useful educational experience.
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The NTSB won't be done with it for quite a while. Then, assuming the hull is a loss (which I suspect it is), wouldn't the insurer take ownership of it? While it would be an interesting illustration of the effects of the accident on the hull, it would take up quite a bit of space in a museum too. We will probably see it go to rest in the desert somewhere.
The NTSB won't be done with it for quite a while. Then, assuming the hull is a loss (which I suspect it is), wouldn't the insurer take ownership of it? While it would be an interesting illustration of the effects of the accident on the hull, it would take up quite a bit of space in a museum too. We will probably see it go to rest in the desert somewhere.

I didn't mean IN a museum. I meant it would BECOME the museum. Let people have the opportunity to be IN the airplane that successfully landed in the Hudson River. And set up the interior with displays of aircraft safety information. I'll bet there's room on the pier next to the Intrepid Museum. Or, they could make room. It would be quite and attraction. The insurance company would likely be happy to give it away to a non-profit as a tax deduction equivalent to the scrap value. They could get their name "in lights" as a sponsor, too.
You know that's not a bad idea.

The money on admissions alone would be staggering. Configure the museum with a small theater to provide the historic context. Perhaps even the actual communications between tower and flight crew as well as the intercom communications from crew to customers.

I guess if you did it right you could have the customers go down the slide into the Gift Shop.

Might be a bit tacky in some ways yet in others a fitting honor to the crew.

There ya go.....

And cokes would be $2.00

Lunch - $10.00

Authentic Hudson River water? Priceless.
It was once an aviation axiom that some guy with bucket of whitewash and a paintbrush would be right behind the fire truck after any mishap. I'm surprised the logo and titles haven't been covered.
It was once an aviation axiom that some guy with bucket of whitewash and a paintbrush would be right behind the fire truck after any mishap. I'm surprised the logo and titles haven't been covered.

Cover it up?

No fatalities....captain way (so far) to blame anything on human (i.e.Tempe) error!

This is GOLDEN. They will milk this for all it's worth.

They know that in a month 99% of the public will be remembering how that United pilot managed to save all those people landing in the Hudson River. Only bad news sticks to USAir(ways) like glue.
you would have thought that in an operation like that someone would have thought to check to see if it would fit under bridges :rolleyes:
Yes but he heckles correctly at least!!!!!!

Maybe so. But so what? That "priceless" post was harmless, and rather clever.

And I have yet to read anywhere that the plane landed in the Atlantic Ocean.

You and that nycbus guy are just a couple curmudgeons......grumpy ones, at that! :angry: