Upper Mgmt Is Stealing Again


Jan 25, 2004
This is an outrage. Where is it going to stop Wolf, Gangwal, Siegal, Lakefield?

This should send a chill up the spine of every working American in this country of ours," said Tommie Hutto-Blake, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants.

"To witness the balance of power shift completely in favor of the 'protection' of bankruptcy laws; and, subsequently, eliminating hard-earned pensions, wages, benefits and work rules at the sound of a gavel while maintaining the pensions and salaries of upper management whose decisions steered their company into bankruptcy," Hutto-Blake said.

Fifth-ranked Continental Airlines also said in a regulatory filing Thursday that it needs $500 million in wage and benefit reductions by Feb. 28 or it will face a liquidity crisis. And while pilots at No. 2 United Airlines ratified a new cost-cutting contract, the carrier's push to lop $725 million off annual labor costs by mid-January is heading to a court showdown Friday unless other unions approve new contracts.

US Airways, Continental, United and other so-called legacy carriers are struggling to cope with a combination of higher fuel costs, relentless price competition typified by Wednesday's announcement by Delta Air Lines Inc. of a new lower-fare structure, and the growth of low-cost carriers like JetBlue and Southwest.
I am outraged big-time. There shouldnt be a dime of a bonus or guarenteed compensation given until the company is PROFITABLE and stockholders are satisfied and all the G.D. bills are paid..Tired of fat a$$ Rush Limbaugh, Roger Hedgecock and other conservative talkshow hosts saying that they are entitled because they are the "mover and shakers", that they employ the sorrowfull dredges like me and offer a mere pittance of a salary boardering on minimum wage..oh by the way...you dont need any pension or health care either.
The BOD iscomposed of people who also sit on the boards of several other companies, each getting a check for thier services, whatever thier services are.

But they will be the first to say: YOU (workers) are our problem, not the inept management blunders made.
air chief said:
I am outraged big-time. There shouldnt be a dime of a bonus or guarenteed compensation given until the company is PROFITABLE and stockholders are satisfied and all the G.D. bills are paid..Tired of fat a$$ Rush Limbaugh, Roger Hedgecock and other conservative talkshow hosts saying that they are entitled because they are the "mover and shakers", that they employ the sorrowfull dredges like me and offer a mere pittance of a salary boardering on minimum wage..oh by the way...you dont need any pension or health care either.
The BOD iscomposed of people who also sit on the boards of several other companies, each getting a check for thier services, whatever thier services are.

But they will be the first to say: YOU (workers) are our problem, not the inept management blunders made.

the inept mgmt is the mover and the shaker--first bankruptcy followed by the cries of "we need pay cuts or we liquidate" of course a yr later we are still flying around just on the backs of employees. i can see why lakefield dont want to talk to the employees--he's afraid he will get his a$$ whipped so bad he couldn't stand the pain where it hurts! it is high flying time that we get rid of this BOD and get a whole new set of BOD who really wants to see the airline fly.
firstamendment said:
As I said in one of my threads, it must start fom the top. These guys just don't get it.

Oh, they get it! They just don't give a care. Once they get to the top it's all about staying there regardless of what is right, ethical or moral.


take up a collection, buy an ad in sever national newspapers (USAtoday, WSJ, ect...)

say this or something along these lines.

Pilots..... 7 billion dollars (average length of service 27 years)

F/as ..... 2 billion dollars (average length of service 23 years)

Mechs.....4 billion dollars (average length of service 22 years)

all given up by a judge in pension funds. the same judge, the same rules allow managment to KEEP their pensions

Mr. Wolf Usairways 2million a year (length of service 7 years)
mr Gangwal Usairways 1 million a year(lenght of service 3 years)
mr. Seigel Usairways 1million a year (lenght of service 18months)

brought to you by the hard working employees of UsAirways who, after 21,000 fellow employee layoffs, on average 40% reduction in wages, 30% reduction in benefits (medical, dental) continue to serve your communities with professionalism you have come to know over the past few decades brought to by the SAME employees from the last few decades...

i have used numbers "off the top of my head" and before actually printing them i would ensure the accuracy which would be close to the above
you dont have to belabor the point just post simple facts, you can then expand the next day to include U and UAL, then on day 3 U, UAL, DAL on day 4 U UAL DAL CAL and so on. over the course of 5 business days you can sway public opinion from you deserve what you get to gee Mgmt is simply doing a very poor job and literally stealing from the company coffers. moreover guess who would have to respond to these ads? thats right the big cheeses themselves. imagine if you will a news program say on sunday with a worker and a top manager after these ads have run. mr. worker..... yes i have been employeed 30 years i have lost my pension, given up 40% of my pay, given up 30% of benefits. Mr. Mgmt.... yes i have worked less than 12 months not taken a paycut am guarenteed pension benefits no matter what. guess who gets the black eye, guess which way public opinion sways. this is a no brainer easy win strategy.. it instantly changes the perception of oh another union driving the company into oblivion to .. what ? i had no idea that was going on.... and gee seems like the workers are doing all that they can to save the company while mgmt seems to be featherbedding at best....

what do you think?

In addition to the above CEO salaries were signing bonuses, retention bonuses (or bonsues for having hit financial milestones), and golden parachute payments (when they left -- either voluntarily or not).