United-US Airways marriage faces better chance this time

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We are going to merge one way or the other with US Airways so why not just get this over with. I’d love to live in the Charlotte area but it would be a long time (with my meager 1997 seniority at UAL) before I would be able to hold a full time ramp slot in CLT. Oh well, one can always hope…

United-US Airways marriage faces better chance this time

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Frankly, a USAirways merger is probably a better alternative than Tilton fragmenting UAL. Nothing would surprise me anymore. A net result would be that ALPA would be back on the property very quickly, Nicalou certainly implemented, and mass furloughs. The truth is that neither AAA or UAL managements know how to run an airline. The downward spiral will continue.

There is a group though that will try to burn the fort down first. I just might turn out to be one of them.

. A net result would be that ALPA would be back on the property very quickly, Nicalou certainly implemented, and mass furloughs. The truth is that neither AAA or UAL managements know how to run an airline. The downward spiral will continue.

There is a group though that will try to burn the fort down first. I just might turn out to be one of them.

ALPO wont be back for 2 years minimum, I think that is a NMB rule, why pay 1.95% to ALPO when you could be paying less than 1%. UAL won't last two years at there present rate.
ALPO wont be back for 2 years minimum, I think that is a NMB rule, why pay 1.95% to ALPO when you could be paying less than 1%. UAL won't last two years at there present rate.

I don't think that rule applies in the case of a merger or acquisition, however the integration process probably buys USAPA some period of time. Otherwise you would be discussing a situation where UAL employees would potentially be forced to become USAPA members without any vote or other form approval by them.
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If US Airways and United merger proceeds the NMB will be required to hold a pilot representational election because the two pilot groups are represented by two different unions and the pilot groups work in the same “class and craft.â€￾

During the recent representational election there were 3,543 elgible East voters, 1,770 eligible West voters, and there are about 7,700 United Pilots. During the new union vote about 2,700 piltos voted for USAPA and about 2,200 for ALPA.

If the two companies merge I believe ALPA would return to the property early next year.

As far as dues the USAPA constitution and by-laws the dues have been set at 1.95%, the same as ALPA’s. However, dues will actually be higher than ALPA’s. Paragraph 5(e) state, “Starting the earlier of six (6) months prior to the date set forth as the Amendable date of a current 274 basic collective bargaining agreement, upon an affirmative vote of the Board of Pilot Representatives, 275 all Association members covered by that agreement may be required to pay an additional one-half 276 percent (1/2%) dues for expenses directly related to obtaining a new agreement. These additional 277 dues shall be accounted for separately, shall be used for expenses incurred after the effective date of 278 additional one-half percent (1/2%) dues, and shall be used only for expenses specifically related to 279 negotiations for that specific basic agreement that are above and beyond the normal level of recurring 280 expenses.â€￾

See link:

Therefore, US Airways USAPA pilots will pay higher dues than if they were represented by ALPA and will obtain effective pay cut during negotiations.


I am going to condense the merger threads here folks, but DO NOT turn this into a union thread...if things continue along that path we will close the thread.

There is a thread for ALPA/USAPA already and the merger issues are being discussed THERE. They are NOT to be discussed here.

Thank you.
In any future merger with any airline , there’s only one man talented enough to lead the new entity to profitability , and that man is DOUG PARKER ….. He and his hand picked team leave me astounded … I know talent when I see it , and he’s got it …

Two thumbs up for DP and his crew ….. WAY UP! :up:
In any future merger with any airline , there’s only one man talented enough to lead the new entity to profitability , and that man is DOUG PARKER ….. He and his hand picked team leave me astounded … I know talent when I see it , and he’s got it …

Two thumbs up for DP and his crew ….. WAY UP! :up:
I really hope you are jokeing!? :blink:
nope , i'm not joking , i'm 100 percent serious ...

America west airlines and us airways are still here today ... most of us still have our jobs ... i think that without doug parkers leadership a good many of us would be unemployed today ....

Thank you doug parker .
nope , i'm not joking , i'm 100 percent serious ...

America west airlines and us airways are still here today ... most of us still have our jobs ... i think that without doug parkers leadership a good many of us would be unemployed today ....

Thank you doug parker .
IF we become United, expect PHX and LAS to be smaller hubs, with or without DOUGIE! AND you Freedom, and Me, will be lucky to be employed! I might not even be able to hold reserve in PHX, and I have 12 years!? :(
Whether you came from the old America West or the old US Airways, in the end we are all United!
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