United To Close Kent Call Center



United to close Kent call center

The announcement came without warning yesterday and left some employees stunned and sobbing, one worker said.

"Total shock, total shock, total shock," said Kathy Hartley, a former service director who now works as a union representative at the call center full time.

"This is huge parts of people's lives. In many cases, people have worked here 25 to 30 years and are within five or six years of retirement," she said. "Now they're being forced to make the decision to move to a strange city or chuck the retirement they've worked for."

So why should they be any different than the rest of us? I can move to a strange city AND still will lose my retirement.
As they build the new 'Lean' system at OV where they will supposedly stock all of the (nonexistent) Airbus parts for the 'Waterspiders' and 'Crib Keepers' to busily, like little machines, prepare and deliver to the (soon to be) newly implemented fluid-like operation out on the hangar floor we currently operate like this:

The inbound aircraft arrives and we spend the first day robbing parts off of it to put onto the outbound aircraft - thereby replacing all of the parts that were robbed off of it when it came in to get the previous aircraft out the door and back into service. No 'Water-spiders' or 'Crib-keepers' needed at this time.

Most of us fully expect it to happen like this: We'll come to work and our keycard won't open the roto-gate. When we try to call security we'll get a recording telling us what days and hours we will be able to pick up our tools.

No 'Shock, Shock, Shock!!' We've seen plenty of warning signs....
How sudden things change. I am a reissue agt for US in PIT. Just last fri I had to call UA for a rule 240. Got the most pleasant agent on the phone. In the course of our call she asked which office I was in. I told her, and she wished me good luck since she knew our office was closing. I asked where she was, and it was the Kent office. She seemed so upbeat and helpful. I wonder how she feels today. I am truly sorry to hear the bad news.
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Fly said:
Really? You actually seem smug.

You will not loose your retirement, just limited to the PBGC mandated payout.
If you think otherwise, you are only fooling yourself.
As far as being 'smug' you may want to get a mirror.

Which stopped accumulating when United stopped paying. So, actually, not quite what we would have received had they kept paying. But, hey, only off by a few decades!
What's the big deal? Getting a chance to leave that horrific Puget Sound area for Detroit? And, the company pays for the move, too? What more could you want? :eek: