You hit the nail on the head. UA wants the reach to Central and South American that either ATL or IAH can provide and the addition of either JFK or EWR from DAL or CAL. The only thing that UAL would want from LCC might be the CLT hub. I have heard Tilton say CLT is a couple of different speaking events. Perhaps LCC will sell UA LGA, BOS and CLT.
I'm with you all the way, EXCEPT the CLT thing.
I'd ask Tilton, "why CLT, when you have a great uncongested IAD hub(not so far away) ???????
I use to think the smart "thinking" was LESS hubs, than more.(Perhaps I'm wrong now)
UAL DEFINITLY needs a northeast quardrant hub(think NYC area), coupled with IAD, you've got the east coast covered.
But I also think UAL has too many domestic hubs.(I'd make DEN a focus city)
I like the way AA has their hubs, DFW/MIA/ORD with JFK a focus city. Now as AA expands to Asia, They would need a west coast hub(like your SFO), which is why I constantly SALIVATE at the thought of AA buying Alaska Air.
One, for SEA as a west coast gateway, and two, for the HUGE monopoly for Alaska, which is a money maker !!
Mabey "SANTA" will deliver, for Xmas.