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Union Leaders going back to Management?

Just because you are going to lose, do you really want all of your former coworkers who have retired and earned these benefits to lose theirs also.
I wish you did not have to lose anything, but the industry is in trouble right now. We are all in trouble whether this passes or not.............
What you are saying is like a little kid, if I lose, you need to lose also. I put my time in and would like part of what I was promised. TWA, inc. retirees are having to pay for their medical insurance now, but not the AA retirees. Is there anything fair about that????
I don't think so.....

We also have to pay for our passes now and are boarded behind the AA employees and retirees guests..
What more could we lose than this provides for?

Either way, all the TWA flight attendants will be furloughed.

If this passed, there will be no realistic chance of return, during the five years recall period, because of the virtual elimination of the Overage Leave option, resulting in thousands more furloughs on the AA side . At least if the TA is rejected, we will be paid for our full accrued vacation from last year and the furlough pay contained in the current contract.
No, I did not deny it. I know I will lose if Aa files bankruptcy, but you will lose alot more also.
Are you denying that you wrote that post?

Click on the profile button in it and see what shows up.

BTW, Irish understood it to mean the same as I did.
That will be up to the Bankruptcy judge to decide that and he will decide in favor of the company, so you will lose even more.
You are missing the point.

Nothing prevents AA from filing for bankruptcy even if these are ratified. John Ward, the APFA president admitted so in his email to the membership.

Just as I thought, all you care about is your passes and benefits.
It takes time for the court to modify the labor agreements. At least sixty days from the filing date. Look at the time line at the UAL and US Airways cases. We''ll be long gone by then.

There is no getting thru to you. All you care about is yourself and yourself only. Let AA file bankruptcy, I have medicare, and an income. What do you have?

I am not going to argue with you on this. This is the last I will have to say. You are starting to make me to side with the nAAtive f/a's on everything.
Its too bad one employee can spoil the whole bunch, but you are working on it big time...

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