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Union Busting Alive And Well At Uair

usairways_vote_NO said:
Yawn... battle over buddy boy .. you lose

Actually you're right...sure as hell too late to do much now except bury it and with the attitudes shown so far, bury it, it is....hell even piney bob gave up and left, might as well lay down and die.

Slowing down, working extra safe, taking measures to punish management will only punish the employees further until it's completely over, even the b-i-t-c-h-i-n-g.

Like the joke where the doctor says: I have good news and I have bad news...damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Move on and away from this nightmare or stay and seek counseling to deal with it makes the “do I stay decisionâ€￾ an easy one unless one is a sadist.

And to the ones saying there are a ton of like jobs, especially “after cuts“: Then why in the hell are you still here? Or do I refer back to the above statement. Don’t give me the honor dignity thing, no honor in dying needlessly.
:angry: E- TRON hit the nail right on the head. I think you will see the OUTRAGE during the holidays. Sick time will hit an all time high. Treat your employees like nothing, you get nothing in return. OH, I know what management will say, We're saving your jobs. I have a job, but no home, sold it , no car , the repo man took it, BUT BY GOD, I GOT MY JOB. I live in a box, a cardboard box.......But I still have my............ !
The outrage will come. The unions are smart enough not to agree to their own dismantling through 'negotiation'.

They are also smart enough not to indicate to the judge that they will engage in the knee jerk response management wants that would justify scabbing out their jobs.
It is my understanding that if there is excessive sick time or a slow down, the responsible individuals will be terminated. The Company will then go through the grievance process, but job actions will help the carrier rid itself of malcontents.

I do not think the company is to concerned about it.


USA320Pilot said:
It is my understanding that if there is excessive sick time or a slow down, the responsible individuals will be terminated.

FMLA and 'working to rule.' Nothing the company can do about either.
robbedagain said:
if we could get the bestest dam attorney to nail mgmt for their failure.

There's no way to nail them for mistakes or even failures. The unions should have gone after Wolfe, when he was carrying off everything not nailed down. The unions should have sued under Rico racketeering provisions claiming that Wolfe was plundering the company, that the board of directors failed to exercise their fiduciary responsibility, and that the board compensation committee was Wolfe's tool. They could have filed in some friendly venue, like NYC, where the government attorney (Spitzer) would have supported them.

Unfortunately, the unions are as shortsighted as any of us and didn't see the threat at the time.
Lakefield is going to need everyone to put out 125% during the holidays, that is if bookings don't go through the floor. He's not going to get it. Not going to be the hustle . . . . just performing to standard. It's going to be ugly. That is if U lasts until Christmas. Won't take much for a combination of SWA and $70 oil to make Lakefield's "Hail Mary" plan turn into "Holy S**."
USA320Pilot said:
It is my understanding that if there is excessive sick time or a slow down, the responsible individuals will be terminated. The Company will then go through the grievance process, but job actions will help the carrier rid itself of malcontents.

I do not think the company is to concerned about it.



I couldn't agree more. They are firing people as it is and it's sticking, this will only exacerbate the firings, absolutely. And FMLA will be denied unless you're terminal.
USA320Pilot said:
It is my understanding that if there is excessive sick time or a slow down, the responsible individuals will be terminated.

You obviously were not in PHL today. I cant imagine them firing the entire ramp when they cant hire qualified people to work there.

ua767fo said:
You obviously were not in PHL today. I cant imagine them firing the entire ramp when they cant hire qualified people to work there.

Watch....it was only today. The games have ended.

Employees couldn't stick together before and they won’t now after they get that warning handed to them.
cavalier said:
Employees couldn't stick together before and they won’t now after they get that warning handed to them.

PHL ramp has been, and will continue to be, the toughest place for the company to fire FSA and make it stick. There would be a massive job action if mass firings were to take place.

As far as employees not sticking together, you have no clue what you're talking about. Its been done many times before in PHL when needed, and will be used again if needed.
D M G said:
PHL ramp has been, and will continue to be, the toughest place for the company to fire FSA and make it stick. There would be a massive job action if mass firings were to take place.

As far as employees not sticking together, you have no clue what you're talking about. Its been done many times before in PHL when needed, and will be used again if needed.
Tough talk slow to walk....

I know TON of mechanics in Philly and know what goes on. Seems they fired a few bad apple managers and it's "little" better, but they still tow the line while you talk the talk, tough guy. At this stage your a-z-z and others will be gone trying to play the fools union game, should have happened years ago, too late now.
with phlly the way it is--basically a sh!T house, and if the company goes ahead and fires the rampers, then obvisiously the airline would never get a plane off of the gate let alone into the gate
this is not union busting...its a realignment.
unions hold no power when times are bad, or in BK. they take and take when times are good, and then give it all back when times are bad.

I will say it again...if you are not happy with your pay or benefits, you should be looking for another job.
jack mama said:
this is not union busting...its a realignment.
unions hold no power when times are bad, or in BK. they take and take when times are good, and then give it all back when times are bad.

I will say it again...if you are not happy with your pay or benefits, you should be looking for another job.
The more you post the more you smell like Jerry.....or his alter ego.

So, do you use Nyquil?

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