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Uncle Carl seen in PVR


Sep 22, 2002
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As per a good friend who lives in Mt. Kisco, Uncle Carl was seen boarding a private jet heading for PVR recently, not carrying too much suntan lotion, either.
Oh! Here we go! A friend saw Icahn heading to PVR! I suppose he was going to meet Carty for "secret" talks! Well Carl is a little late cause Carty's trip was a little while ago!

By the way, did the private jet have a banner that said PVR BOUND? You know, like a greyhound bus?
On 2/19/2003 2:16:30 PM AAquila wrote:

As per a good friend who lives in Mt. Kisco, Uncle Carl was seen boarding a private jet heading for PVR recently, not carrying too much suntan lotion, either.
When you come from hell, who needs suntan lotion?
On 2/19/2003 7:54:44 PM FrugalFlyer wrote:

Maybe uncle Carl wants to buy back TWA

He has to "negotiate" with bagsmasher to do that...
Maybe Carty could PAY Carl to take TWA back, in exchange for rights to sell tickets on them at a deep discount.
****************NEWS FLASH******************************

A friend of mine who knows a guy whose son's best friend's cousin is a cabana boy at the resort in PVR where Carty and Icahn are staying says he saw Icahn rubbing suntan lotion on Carty near the pool!
I guess the 2 uncles were discussing moving AFW maint base to MTY. Better labor rates. Also Carl was offered to be VP. He would then be groomed to be CEO/PRES and Chairmen of AA/AMR. Gee they might even figure out how they can bring in Mexican bus service to smaller cities and villages in the US.