Uh oh,..........This will ruin someones day !

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  • #16
Ms Tree said:
You forgot to mentioned Theists when you talk about the founders.  You also did not mention the principles of basic morality.  Yes various religious beliefs did have a roll in the development of the country but to ignore all the other influences is equally as ignorant.
 O U C H....Eric,........................THAT had to HURT  !!!
Signals, You're absolutely CORRECT with you're last post,......................which is 'In-Line' with what my topic (starter) was all about.
Ms Tree said:
You forgot to mentioned Theists when you talk about the founders.  You also did not mention the principles of basic morality.  Yes various religious beliefs did have a roll in the development of the country but to ignore all the other influences is equally as ignorant.
Where did I say that faith was the only influence?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I'm not sure what all the arguing about the word...'GOD' is all about (in the founding 'documents') ?
My point, (hence post) was America was Never founded as a CHRISTIAN Nation.
In other words,.......'.What is so hard to understand about that ' ?
Fug-ue, taking a lead from our Islamic friends, us Christians now taking it back.
eolesen said:
Where did I say that faith was the only influence?

Does the word "only" exist anywhere in the post? All I am saying is that there were many influences on the origin of the US, religious beliefs being but one of them. All you mentioned was the religious influence with out acknowledging that there were others.
Ms Tree said:
To argue that religious tolerance is the same as a 'christian nation' is equally silly.  Most of the founders were deists, not theists.  Furthermore, to believe that morality and the idea of law and order could not exist/develope out side or parallel to religion is the epitome of arrogance.
God is not mentioned a single time in the COTUS, Pledge of Allegiance nor the National Anthem (at least the part that is sung all the time).  One would think if we were a "christian nation' someone would have made mention about it in the founding documents. 
Oh really! "One nation, 'under God', in the visible, with liberty, and justice for all". Now where have I heard that before?----- It would seem others have pointed this out to you! Which doesn't make it less true. Everyone one is initialed to his, or her, opinion about the separation of Church and State, but let's not try and rewright history to fit ones particular view point.
The pledge was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy.  This is the pledge as written and adopted in 1942.
"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to* the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"   
The pledge was altered in 1954 by .... Christians to include 
god'.  While the idea existed for a while, the Knights of Columbus got the ball rolling in a big way and they are the ones who convinced the president and Congress to change it.  
One argument I heard was that god was added as a sign to the Russians since they were so anti-god.  Makes sense to me.
Bottom line is god was added after ward and not original to the pledge.  Same goes for the currency.
I am not re-writing history.  It was re-written in 1954.
I like how the auto correct screwed up the pledge.  Too funny.
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  • #23
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Was that a typo?
Auto correct maybe?
Hey, forget THAT one.
The one that really makes me piss my pants laughing is,...." And Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL " !
Maybe the 'dude that the NYPD CHOKED to DEATH on Staten Island would refute that slogan.
Oh, wait, he can't.     The Brotha' is DEAD  !!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Hey, forget THAT one.
The one that really makes me piss my pants laughing is,...." And Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL " !
Maybe the 'dude that the NYPD CHOKED to DEATH on Staten Island would refute that slogan.
Oh, wait, he can't.     The Brotha' is DEAD  !!!!!!!!!!
Yet you want to give the government more and more control over your wallet and your life.
Keep voting for those "entitlement" spewing, tax collecting, socialist, liberal Democrats. You will be living in a police state before you know it.
History is constantly rewritten and updated. History from my days has been altered or changed to suit our PERCEPTION of what really happened. We deny the fact that if Hitler had oil, we would all be speaking German. We paint and 'doll up' history to suit our cause.

Regardless of when 'GOD' was added to anything is a way to appease a certain majority, and that majority is that those who BELIEVE in God far outnumber those who don't. The joke is that people in the USA believe it is a "Christian" God, whereas it might be a Jewish god or a Muslim god or a Hindu god or a Buddah god or a mother nature god or a Satanic god or an Atheist god-they believe there is no god, therefore their BELIEF is that there is no god.

So you see, God refers to a government that knows what's best for you. The whole Pledge should be trashed in my opinion. Nobody pledges allegiance to any flag anymore. So why do you put it UNDER GOD?

At one time people were arrested for desecrating the flag...ask the Rolling Stones, but Brian Jones is dead. Now it pretty much is your Constitutional right to even defecate on the flag.

Now you see why separation of church and state are a must...but don't give Jesus credit for that one!!!
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  • #26
signals said:
History is constantly rewritten and updated. History from my days has been altered or changed to suit our PERCEPTION of what really happened. We deny the fact that if Hitler had oil, we would all be speaking German. We paint and 'doll up' history to suit our cause.

Regardless of when 'GOD' was added to anything is a way to appease a certain majority, and that majority is that those who BELIEVE in God far outnumber those who don't. The joke is that people in the USA believe it is a "Christian" God, whereas it might be a Jewish god or a Muslim god or a Hindu god or a Buddah god or a mother nature god or a Satanic god or an Atheist god-they believe there is no god, therefore their BELIEF is that there is no god.

So you see, God refers to a government that knows what's best for you. The whole Pledge should be trashed in my opinion. Nobody pledges allegiance to any flag anymore. So why do you put it UNDER GOD?

At one time people were arrested for desecrating the flag...ask the Rolling Stones, but Brian Jones is dead. Now it pretty much is your Constitutional right to even defecate on the flag.

Now you see why separation of church and state are a must...but don't give Jesus credit for that one!!!
signals,...............AGAIN...you're Correct  !!    Brother, I've got to hand it to you  !!
The most rational explanation that I've been able to come up with, is the....'Sales Pitch' (think like a NYC Madison ave. AD Firm)
When it comes to christianity and walmart,...whatever 'Firm  they hired, is Underpaid  !!

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