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UGLY,.....Even For HIM !!

Aug 20, 2002
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With a Pandemic fully engulfing the M O R O N,...40 MILLION people signed-up for Unemployment, Millions of people nation-wide, never to return to the jobs they vacated in March, because those jobs will never return, 'this' A Hole, of All A Hole's is doing the greatest Pied Piper act ever in History, AND the Ultimate GLORY of it ALL, is that he has now, brought ALL of his ARSE-KISSERS, AND Himself to the Precipice of DESTRUCTION !!

SADAM HUSSAIN will have a greater chance of getting elected in Nov., than the Orange Baboon !!

Stay tuned kiddies, because you sure-as-helll Do NOT want to MISS the SHOW in November !!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !
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Nah, it's the cumulative effect after 20 years of reading the vomit that you post and realizing it's not worth the effort to respond...
E takes the effort to respond, but ignores Trump knuckledragging his way through the pandemic. The US has 6% of the world's population and 30% of the COVID deaths.

When will the Trump campaign start shilling MAGA masks?
E takes the effort to respond, but ignores Trump knuckledragging his way through the pandemic. The US has 6% of the world's population and 30% of the COVID deaths.

When will the Trump campaign start shilling MAGA masks?
Who knows what the real numbers are. I have a hunch the US is over reporting the numbers (for monitary reasons I'm sure) and the rest of the world can't count.
Nah, it's the cumulative effect after 20 years of reading the vomit that you post and realizing it's not worth the effort to respond...

Ahhh, so that's your silent response that the M O R O N is a shoo-in, in Nov. ?

So you relocated from beautiful Arizona ? WOW !

Well MISSISSIPPI will Surely keep you and your @#$%^& -up politics Safe !
Look at the numbers. The states with the greatest impact get far less per capita than the backwaters.
Who knows what the real numbers are. I have a hunch the US is over reporting the numbers (for monitary reasons I'm sure) and the rest of the world can't count.

What monetary reasons?

According to Congressman Luetkemeyer, Adm. Brett Giroir from the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Department has conceded that there is an economic incentive for hospitals to inflate their coronavirus fatalities.
The fact is the unemployment numbers are very inflated because the federal government is giving people $600 a week to stay home.

It simply cost too much money to go back to work.

Why go get a $12 to $15 dollar an hour job when you can sit at home on your ass and collect 15 dollars an hour from the federal government plus state. In all likelihood unemployment is paying these people over 20 an hour, far more than most of them can get working.

There are PLENTY of jobs out there, but who is motivated to take them?

So yes, saying 40 MILLION people are out of work is very misleading and more political than anything. They paint the false narrative that these people can not find jobs and that is absolutely not true. They are CHOOSING to stay unemployed.

Couple that with the people that have taken voluntary leaves of absence who are collecting unemployment.

OK Bears I am about to take your post apart.


With a Pandemic fully engulfing the M O R O N,...40 MILLION people signed-up for Unemployment, Millions of people nation-wide, never to return to the jobs they vacated in March, because those jobs will never return,
Statistically Bears any time someone files for unemployment they don't return to their previous job. How is that any different today than any other time since the dawn of unemployment insurance? As a matter of fact I would argue that this specific time more of a percentage will return to their former jobs than any other time in history because the bars and restaurants will be opening back up and they will most likely try to recall their previous staff to minimize training time so they can get up and running as soon as possible. Many people will be returning from their TEMPORARY leaves of absence.
Who knows what the real numbers are. I have a hunch the US is over reporting the numbers (for monitary reasons I'm sure) and the rest of the world can't count.

According to Congressman Luetkemeyer, Adm. Brett Giroir from the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Department has conceded that there is an economic incentive for hospitals to inflate their coronavirus fatalities.
A congressman says?
The fact is the unemployment numbers are very inflated because the federal government is giving people $600 a week to stay home.

It simply cost too much money to go back to work.

Why go get a $12 to $15 dollar an hour job when you can sit at home on your ass and collect 15 dollars an hour from the federal government plus state. In all likelihood unemployment is paying these people over 20 an hour, far more than most of them can get working.

There are PLENTY of jobs out there, but who is motivated to take them?

So yes, saying 40 MILLION people are out of work is very misleading and more political than anything. They paint the false narrative that these people can not find jobs and that is absolutely not true. They are CHOOSING to stay unemployed.

Couple that with the people that have taken voluntary leaves of absence who are collecting unemployment.

OK Bears I am about to take your post apart.

Statistically Bears any time someone files for unemployment they don't return to their previous job. How is that any different today than any other time since the dawn of unemployment insurance? As a matter of fact I would argue that this specific time more of a percentage will return to their former jobs than any other time in history because the bars and restaurants will be opening back up and they will most likely try to recall their previous staff to minimize training time so they can get up and running as soon as possible. Many people will be returning from their TEMPORARY leaves of absence.


First off, how are you feeling ?

Now, how's that 'mad rush' of people who worked in bars proceeding ?

Very Very Very slow, I'd opine !!