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UA''s Power Point on starting a Low Cost Carrier

On 2/18/2003 6:05:33 PM av8orwife wrote:

This was posted on the United Board, but I thought it was really interesting.





Wow...doesn't that suck!!! Check out slides 152, 176, and 177. UA employees are the ones making the most sacrifice and getting nothing in return. Every other entity associated with UA will grow, only core UA will shrink.

I think everyone can see what's going to happen. Starfish & UAX will be the domestic carriers and UA will provide the international connection. Although, even that role can be filled by many of the Star carriers.

It's kind of amazing that AA appears to be moving in a slightly different direction, offering to merge Eagle & AA seniority lists and not pushing for a LCC.
I think what AA is doing is the way to go- merging the two senoirity lists. I really wish U could do that. RJs are the future? Great, I'm glad there is a future. Now please let me be a part of it, rather than furloughing me and bringing in outside work. Lets find a happy medium between foodstamp RJ pay and mainline, and stop basing pay on who manufactures a plane. (At the time of the merger, United Express/ Air Wisconsin flew 100-seat Bae146s- our old ones actually- while mainline US Airways flew a 97 seat plane. You can imagine the pay difference) The mainline/ commuter/ RJ/ SJ mess in this country is going to have to be rationalized by some carrier at some point, CO seems to have the right idea, and now perhaps AA. I really hope we can work towards one subsidiary, or even better just one company. I guarantee you morale and teamwork would be sky high if all the jets and jobs were on the property.