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Ual Is Getting Attractive To Others

Who(m) ever "pilots" UA out of BK(ASSUMING THEY EVER COME OUT), won't be decided on my say so, but here's a vote for Tilton, because he's said all along that this screwy industry needs CONSOLIDATION, BIG TIME !!

Mr. Tilton is CERTAINLY correct on that point !!!

Oh look, Red Tail Bear and NH/BB are on at the same time again! Wow! How amazingly ironic is that? :down:
I certainly don't know why you waste your time posting all this rediculous nonsense. We ARE coming out of BK plain and simple. Who cares whether its 3 years or 5 years, as long as we eventually come out. Actually, we have been running a pretty darn good airline for the past three years. And inspite of all the naysayers, we WILL emerge this fall and give the rest of you from other companies a run for your money. As UAL is now a LEAN, MEAN, FLYING (OR SHOULD I SAY FIGHTING) MACHINE while the rest of you teeter totter on the brink of BK.
novaqt said:
... while the rest of you teeter totter on the brink of BK.

As opposed to those of you who hide under bankruptcy protection, taking advantage of the bankruptcy laws, and the US people, to get out of paying your bills. :down:
Exactly! Just how Continental did it in the 90's. Ain't life grand?? :up:
Fly said:
Hey Fly, since you know how many times payrates have changed (once for each year in BK) It must be time for a 3rd one by now since its coming up on 3 yrs in BK. Soon you'll be working for "free" at this rate. 😛 😀 :lol:
Straaight Taalk wrote:

"As opposed to those of you who hide under bankruptcy protection, taking advantage of the bankruptcy laws, and the US people, to get out of paying your bills."

"Hide" "Taking advantage".........oooo, you better write your senator since we've been screwing people behind their backs, without anyone knowing about it.

It's called re-organization, which United has done quite well. Every possible angle has been exercised during the process........the very obligation of the company. By the way, it's been done under the supervision of a Judge. United Airlines has probably pumped more tax dollar into the economy of the United States for the past 80 years than any other airline. We've weather two world wars, recessions, lost two airplanes etc. Your whining about United?

Red Tail Bear said:
Hey Fly, since you know how many times payrates have changed (once for each year in BK) It must be time for a 3rd one by now since its coming up on 3 yrs in BK. Soon you'll be working for "free" at this rate. 😛 😀 :lol:
That and with the fact that oil is at almost $60 a barrel, they will be back for more.
Red Tail Bear said:
Hey Fly, since you know how many times payrates have changed (once for each year in BK) It must be time for a 3rd one by now since its coming up on 3 yrs in BK. Soon you'll be working for "free" at this rate. 😛  😀  :lol:

It sure will be entertaining for us watching you grapple with your upcoming paycuts. Hope you've had fun watching ours!! :up: :jerry:

(Amazing to watch the "ORIGINAL BENDOVA KINGS" - AA - talk about taking one for the team. You people have been doing it for years!!! With our 2nd paycut, we have now, almost, reached the cuts taken by AA with just a threat of bk. WTG AA!!! :down: :down: )
maddogdriver said:
It's called re-organization, which United has done quite well. Every possible angle has been exercised during the process........the very obligation of the company.

And your CASM is still among the highest of the legacies. Ummm, yeah, right, you guys are sure doing something right!
maddogdriver said:
  United Airlines has probably pumped more tax dollar into the economy of the United States for the past 80 years than any other airline.  We've weather two world wars, recessions, lost two airplanes etc.  Your whining about United? 


As if AA has not been here through two World Wars, recessions, and losing two airplanes on 911. And your comment on the tax dollars is more of your typical talking out of your a**.

But that's OK. Keep deluding yourself.

When's the asset sale? :up:
maddogdriver said:
Every possible angle has been exercised during the process.......
Except how to actually get out of the court house :shock:

maddogdriver said:
lost two airplanes etc.


In the last 80 years UA has lost more than 2 airplanes. How about running out of gas in Portland in the DC-8 and losing all the generators on takeoff out of LAX. That one the engineer turned the battery sw off and the pilots did a roll into the Pacific. SUX in the DC-10.............Quite a few more than 2 I would say.
LMAO......let's talk about AA's stellar flying record. It's not nice to throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Fatal AA Crashes from the 70's on

Your wishing, hoping, praying that United was going to roll over and die seems to not be going exactly like you had planned (and as you planned for US either). I guess it's time for your companies to come up with a real solution themselves instead of waiting for us to give you our marketshare. 😉
Fly said:
LMAO......let's talk about AA's stellar flying record. It's not nice to throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Fatal AA Crashes from the 70's on
Your wishing, hoping, praying that United was going to roll over and die seems to not be going exactly like you had planned (and as you planned for US either). I guess it's time for your companies to come up with a real solution themselves instead of waiting for us to give you our marketshare. 😉

Fly, I did not compare AA's record to UA's, as just about every airline has suffered tragedy, and it is clearly not a laughing matter.

I suggest you read for detail in the future. Perhaps time spent in a night course in Reading Comprehension at your local high school would serve you better than constantly trolling these boards 24-7. :down:
Hmmm...let's see AA - you had a 757 into a mountain in latin america due to pilot error, an MD80 off the runway and fire in Little Rock due to pilot error, an A300 lost in NY due to - yep...right again...pilot error.

Not to mention the several occasions of landing short (727 @ ORD) or ingesting some tree branches on approach (MD80 somewhere in MA).

Now I don't like pointing things like this out because we're talking about fatalities - but don't you dare imply that AA has a better safety record than UA. Facts are facts.

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