where is your analysis?
I have consistently said that UA is the most exposed carrier with turboprop and small RJ flights.
The only real surprise in pulling the data is to see that on a combined basis, AA/US is actually worse than UA.
The only real difference is that AA has been more aggressive in dealing with the problem but the problem is still there nonetheless.
AA also has far fewer small RJ/turboprop flights outside of large hubs which makes it easier to rework the schedules to retain the service... exactly what AA is doing with SBA and MRY, IIRC.
By the end of this year, the pilot shortage at the regional carriers will reach a fever pitch and there will be accelerated cancellations of markets that cannot be sustained.
after the peak summer season, it will be even harder to justify keeping many smaller markets.
what is happening here with these markets will increase. And like CLE there will be hub closures and it will involve both AA and UA.
Stuff like RDM and EUG to PDX is easy stuff. The decisions will get tougher.