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U.S. Department of Transportation Fines Southwest $1.6 Million for Violating Tarmac Delay Rule

WorldTraveler said:
no, the City of Atlanta was an operational disaster.
Oh brother, that's some nice spinning you're doing there.

DL being affected by a snow/ice storm?  Why that would be ... ... ...
swamt said:
OH, I see.  So let me get this straight.  It's ok if Delta has an operational disaster and YOU reword everything, but not good if any other airline has a hick-ups and delays.  Got it.  Your such a Dumb-A$$...
once again, you can't read or comprehend.

the city of Atlanta was an operational disaster with the storm.

DL did just fine.

perhaps you can tell us about all of the tarmac delay fines that DL got.... look hard because there aren't any.

DL had enough people show up to operate the reduced operation that DL was confident it could operate...

but, hey, it isn't just a DL thing. AA and UA also do the same thing on a regular basis when weather hits their hubs.

WN will learn too.
swamt said:
You obviously do not know how SWA operates.  SWA will NEVER, NEVER, did I say NEVER over hire to cover what you just described. Only all the "other" airlines do that, and they will lay-off and fire, and relocate those "extra employees" as they see fit.  Lean and mean is how SWA will operate, and the employees will step up and fill the voids when they can, and when they can get to work.  Geess, where you been?
they don't have to over hire.

they just have to hire ENOUGH people to run the operation they schedule on a daily basis and then when bad weather comes and they reduce the operation down and the roads are blocked, there will still be enough people show up to work.
DL did just fine?
Thats why FAs were sleeping on the floor and on planes while pilots' had hotel rooms.
I see you want to continue to trot out that same union lie.

DL did not provide hotels to pilots at the exclusion of FAs.
you have based that on internet chatter... you have no proof whatsoever that DL reserved hotel rooms for pilots at the exclusion of FAs. absolutely none.
And you have no proof it wasnt.
There are countless accounts of ACTUAL DL FAs.
Keep up the lies and misinformation.
there were a lot of people who didn't get where they wanted and yet DL's operation kept moving.

you have no proof that DL didn't provide hotels to FAs so they could provide them to pilots. Not one shred of evidence.

and this thread is about the DOT fine against WN, whose operation DID NOT keep moving.

I don't suppose those WN pilots and FAs who spent the night on an aircraft with planeloads of passengers that couldn't get off didn't violate the terms of their contract, now did they?
I have plenty of proof and have posted it before from current and active DL FAs who posted it.
Unlike you who was paid to leave DL eight years ago and you are obsessed with DL.
no, you have proof of a DL FA who didn't get a hotel room.

you DON'T have proof that DL gave away hotel rooms to pilots but not FAs.

for someone who has never been at DL, you seem mighty obsessed.

oh that's right, you are a union salesman and are looking for your piece of the $14 million in union dues that DL FAs will have to pay the Machinists union.
WorldTraveler said:
there were a lot of people who didn't get where they wanted and yet DL's operation kept moving.
"And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us DL from the swift completion of our appointed rounds. Ever."
actually DL cancelled about 50% of its ATL operation when the storm hit.

and they had enough people show up to keep the other half operating.

It really is not just a DL thing. AA and UA do it regularly as well.

WN just has to learn how to do it at MDW.... and I am quite sure they have learned their lesson.

on a far cheerier note, WN's financial report was really strong. They met the ROIC goal that swamt was hoping for. Overall a very good report.

Hats off to WN and its employees.

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