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Twu - Something Missing?

CIO: do you know who has lost millions of workers? And it is not because of a bad economy! It is permanent job lost to overseas workers! The famous AFL-CIO!

Why do you bash AMFA during a bad economy, and not your lovable AFL-CIO?
And now the AFL-CIO want to replace you with illegal immigrants in the U.S.!
What's up with that?


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deadbolt said:
I don't need TWU charity! I need real disaster relief, from the gutting of the contract! Relying on throwing a bunch of "piss on AMFA stickers" around and ignoring the real issues is what TWU is good for! I tried to talk to TWU, shop stewarts and e-board members: They don't want to even listen to the membership!

Trash my grievances, deny me union services!
gut the contract, don't answer for letter of agreements signed!
Not returning phone calls, or turning your phone off, or lying to me on the phone or lying to the membership on the floor!

and then:

Give someone else your time, your charity, your ear: and it makes you feel better right?!

Nobody was asking to accept TWU charity.

It was the use of the tornado pictures used the way you did that concerns me.
Dead bolt, how many C checks are being performed overseas under the watchful eye of amfa at NW?

Informer, you need to put a doggy leash on these two! Just think they are selling your novelty items on top of it!
Checking it Out said:
Dead bolt, how many C checks are being performed overseas under the watchful eye of amfa at NW?

Informer, you need to put a doggy leash on these two! Just think they are selling your novalty items on top of it!

What is the status of the TWU "force majeure" grievance?

As for your doggie leash comment. It is only the TWU that attempts to restrict free speech and propagates tyranny. I will suffice with stating my opinion or objection to the improper use of material, and leave the thought police and mind control to you and yours!

Whatever happened to those Kangaroo COurts for wearing of T-Shirts anyway? Those were the fun days, huh CIO?
Dave the trials served their porpose, since you are still talking about them it work well, TWU like amfa put members in bad standing.

What are you referring to on the force majeure? If your interested stop by the hall and ask one of the officers.

Yes as Bob pointed out, earlier he voiced his opinion on this issue, since deadbolt has been your companion I can see you defending his veiws, unfortunately for you I think you should have let the apology stand and should not have attempted to divert attention.
Dave the trials served their porpose, since you are still talking about them it work well, TWU like amfa put members in bad standing.

The membership is still talking about many things. The B-scale, C-scale, SRP/OSM, the Junior Mechanic program and of course the latest round of concessions.

CIO, you are always talikng about what happens at other airlines, but what about the concessions at AA under the TWU?

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THE $.38 PER HOUR INCREASE IN PAY DUE 5/1/04??????????????????????????????

Checking it Out said:
Dave the trials served their porpose, since you are still talking about them it work well, TWU like amfa put members in bad standing.

What are you referring to on the force majeure? If your interested stop by the hall and ask one of the officers.
You mean to tell me that you do not even know that there was a 29D Grievance filed over AA use of Force Majuere due to 9/11 that violated system protection rights of TWU members, and the case, has to date never been put on before an aribtrator? I don't need to ask any Local Officer, they lie just like you do.

Why don't you try investigating your own union' happenings and holding them as accountable as you wish to hold AMFA?

At least attempt to hold your current union to the same standard you wish to hold AMFA. If you try this, you may find out why we have so much support for this change.

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