Twu Busted On Dues Fraud


Jul 23, 2003
The TWU has been busted by an AMFA Organizer stealing .51 cents a pay period since the concessions. This so-called error only affected line AMT's reportedly. Check you own paycheck, dues should be $23.31 a pay period for topped out AMT's or Title 2. Thanks to AMFA, a refund will be made to all affected. :up: :up:
Say it aint so?

The TWU taking extra dues? NO...... :shock:

I bet they've been funneling the money to the Politicians and the AFL-CIO.
How long has this been going on for? Will the membership get a retro refund?
Is there some kind of federal violation committed by the TWU?
Facts are needed here to support this claim. I hope it's true, I can use my money back or a percentage of it that the TWU gave away without a vote.
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I guess it's OK for the TWU to take your money in return for nothing, maybe we should all stop paying dues for a few months or so. That should fix their wagon.

:up: :up: :up:
1AA said:
I guess it's OK for the TWU to take your money in return for nothing, maybe we should all stop paying dues for a few months or so. That should fix their wagon.

:up: :up: :up:
How about forever? Lets pay AMFA instead!
The TWU has been busted by an AMFA Organizer stealing .51 cents a pay period since the concessions. This so-called error only affected line AMT's reportedly. Check you own paycheck, dues should be $23.31 a pay period for topped out AMT's or Title 2. Thanks to AMFA, a refund will be made to all affected. :up: :up:
How many line AMT's system wide? About 7000? Add it up guys, That's a potential of over $65,000.00 since April!!
Spread the word at your station, all members need to know so that they can
check one their dues payments. :eek:
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Superside said:
How many line AMT's system wide? About 7000? Add it up guys, That's a potential of over $65,000.00 since April!!
Spread the word at your station, all members need to know so that they can
check one their dues payments. :eek:
I heard it just got worse. The refund will go back to when line premium started, whenever that was years ago. :shock: :shock:
Superside said:
How many line AMT's system wide? About 7000? Add it up guys, That's a potential of over $65,000.00 since April!!
Spread the word at your station, all members need to know so that they can
check one their dues payments. :eek:
I heard it just got worse. The refund will go back to when line premium started, whenever that was years ago. :shock: :shock:
Oh my, oh my... It looks like someone has to hire a real CPA to figure this one out.
I wonder how many AMT's are due money that retired after all these years. How many AMT's in the overhaul bases that were working the line have money coming to them?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The twu won't ever defraud the membership, would they? Just goes to show how the twu will screw us anyway possible for the almighty dues dollar.

I guess Sunny will have to layoff his $105,000 sexratary. :up: :up:

"Kill the body and the head will die", Muhammad Ali. :shock:
Thanks to AMFA, a refund will be made to all affected.

Please post proof that AMFA is to thank for finding the error. Surely there is proof of AMFA lawyers being paid for their research into this, please cut and paste your AMFA receipts for all to witness.

Have a great Holiday Season!
If you take the time to look in the The Transport Workers Union Contitution the line premium, and longevity have always been included in base pay.
TeamTWU said:
Thanks to AMFA, a refund will be made to all affected.

Please post proof that AMFA is to thank for finding the error. Surely there is proof of AMFA lawyers being paid for their research into this, please cut and paste your AMFA receipts for all to witness.

Have a great Holiday Season!
If there was an error to begin with. :shock:
James T. Kirk said:
If you take the time to look in the The Transport Workers Union Contitution the line premium, and longevity have always been included in base pay.
Maybe so, but we are talking Labor Agreement here, not your catch all anti-worker Consitution.