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Two New Hangars for TULE

$40K represents close to what a part-time mechanic would earn. Maybe the plan is to replace all the full timers with part timers on a 30 hour week?
Most of MANAGEMENT should be reduced to parttime, then maybe something will get done.. JMHO

$40K represents close to what a part-time mechanic would earn. Maybe the plan is to replace all the full timers with part timers on a 30 hour week?
Most of MANAGEMENT should be reduced to parttime, then maybe something will get done.. JMHO

That is actually what we have now.

Part time Management Decisions
Part time Consulting Group Decisions
Part time Union Managers Decisions

ALL GET FULL PAY, but just manage part time.

Then of course we have the re-do on those decisions so pay double. (i.e. More Room Throughout Coach)

But hell, this earns multi-million dollar bonuses, so they do better than me. I must be wrong.
$40K represents close to what a part-time mechanic would earn. Maybe the plan is to replace all the full timers with part timers on a 30 hour week?

Wouldn't that be more expensive, counting benefits? Or does a 30 hr employee get 3/4 benefits? A smaller number of mechs drawing OSM pay would seem to be cheaper than 33% more full paid PTs.

Right-to-Work lowers wages.

And the TWU is making sure this stands true.

Even though we do not even fall under the Right-to-Work law since we are RLA, the TWU leadership is dead set on proving that passage of a Right-to-Work law reduces wages and benefits.

Corporate Welfare and the Government Subsidizing Jobs is closer to Socialism form of Government than a free Capitalist Society. Why worry about the Communist? We have our own version forming right on our own soil right under our noses.
That kind of socialism is better known as fascism.

Wouldn't that be more expensive, counting benefits? Or does a 30 hr employee get 3/4 benefits? A smaller number of mechs drawing OSM pay would seem to be cheaper than 33% more full paid PTs.

Years ago the rule of thumb was that you double the hourly rate to account for the full cost of an employee when benifits were added in, however AMR has been gracious enough to show everyone how much they have been able to reduce those costs. You think your wages have been slashed? Thats nothing compared to your benifits. Instead of it being an additional 100% its only around 10%. Just go to Jetnet and see for yourself.Even with their exagerated figures its nowhere near what it used to be.

Now that the company passes increased medical costs on to you its even cheaper to hire more part timers than ever before. So no, its no longer cheaper to hold you OT than it is to have more employees at entry level pay working part time.
Better yet, management needs to be outsourced!

Hey, that's fine with me. Managers would make more money off the deal if their pay plan and raises weren't chained to those of the front line workers. Managers and supervisors didn't get raises for the three years prior to the 2003 restructurings, and won't see meaningful raises until 2008 unless they move up a level or leave the company.
Hey, that's fine with me. Managers would make more money off the deal if their pay plan and raises weren't chained to those of the front line workers. Managers and supervisors didn't get raises for the three years prior to the 2003 restructurings, and won't see meaningful raises until 2008 unless they move up a level or leave the company.

I see you subscribe to the view that mangement people are more important than front line workers.
A good manager can make the decision to send a mechanic into a fuel tank to do a negative pressure check, but the mechanic inside the fuel tank is not as valuable as that manger who made the decision!

It's always the greedy worker's fault, isn't it Moderaator?

Workers should make wages that keep them off the unemployment and welfare ranks, but management are the only ones of worth.

It's also fine with you that the average mechanic lost about $20,000 a year in pay and benefits.
Oh, the poor folks in management!
Hey, that's fine with me. Managers would make more money off the deal if their pay plan and raises weren't chained to those of the front line workers. Managers and supervisors didn't get raises for the three years prior to the 2003 restructurings, and won't see meaningful raises until 2008 unless they move up a level or leave the company.

I do not know where you work but we don't need floor level supervisors on my Dock position.The Crew Chief plans out the job assignments for the shift and the mechanics on his crew does the job WITHOUT supervision.Gee,what a novel idea to treat workers like responsible adults and then watch them respond like responsible adults.
Our aircraft make schedule or sometimes completed earlier than scheduled.
We sure do not need 2 supervisors/shift/aircraft dock position.AA management still operates with the same top heavy mindset as they have for the last 20 years at TULE.
If we have any parts logistic issues the scheduler addresses them for us,not the supervisor.

Nothing has changed after 2003 concessions.Same ol'crap done the same ol'way.
I do not know where you work but we don't need floor level supervisors on my Dock position.
...But who would do Time & Attendance? :unsure:

OH..Thats right we now have a Sick monitor on the Payroll who is in charge of those Items.

Don't forget your doctors note children!