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Tulsa Local 514 Buys Ad In Ny Paper

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
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It seems that Local 514 took out a full page ad in a NY Labor newspaper called The Chief slandering Roger Toussaint (The President of Local 100, the NY Transit Local).

Now I really have to wonder if the members of Local 514 feel that taking out a full page ad in NY, slandering the President of a Transit local is an appropriate use of their dues? Was this voted on by the members or was it Randy McDonalds first installment towards an International Position, paid for by the members?

Its amazing that Local 514 is willing to spend money slandering Sonny Halls opponents but they are not willing to spend any of their millions trying to fight against concessions. Is that what the members of Local 514 want? Do they want their dues used to fund a battle between Sonny Hall and Roger Toussaint? What do the members of Local 514 have against New York City Subway workers? My guess is nothing. I would go even further to say that most members never even heard of Roger Toussaint. So why is 514 spending their money slandering Roger?

Its so sad that it took Local 562 to make it clear to Local 514 members exactly what they would be giving up if they voted yes on the concessions. Many Local 514 members called Local 562 thanking us for giving them this information, in the meantime there were millions of dollars that could have been used by Local 514 to provide this information to their members, but no, they did not want their members to have such information. Besides why spend the money on that when you can spend it slandering the President of the NYC Transit workers Local 100. After all he stood up to Mayor Blomberg and Sonny Hall in his fight to improve his members lives.

The ad stemmed from a demonstration that the Local 100 EB took part in along with members of Local 562 protesting Sonnys Halls suspension of two officers, Chuck Schalk and myself. Which was probably due to our efforts to shoot down the most concessionary contract in the history of the labor movement.
FA Mikey said:
Anyone know what a full page add goes for?
In a New York Labor newspaper called "The Chief"?? Probably not very much. B)
FA Mikey said:
I read to fast and was thinking NewYork Times. My mistake.
The membership of Local 514 in general would have a hard time finding New York or care. They have no desire to support anything outside of the local. Maybe MCI? Those of you on the line need to realize that.
(IMHO), you've never been more right, on these boards, than you ARE with you're above statement about the membership of 514(the significantly LARGEST group of AMT's in the system),

Which shows EXACTLY that the company knew what they were doing, when they relocated this chicken shi* union, from NYC, to that bastion of union solidarity, the great southwest !!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing, not EVEN these most recent $$ concessions, wounded this union MORE fatally, then the "relocation"

More specifically, my post should read, "When the company relocated it's HDQ's from NYC to DF+W.
(The union, subsequently followed suit) .

Bob Owens said:
In "The Chief" , around $6000.
And quite a few small businesses probably buy ads in it "so that nothin' bad will happen to your store." B)
FWAAA said:
And quite a few small businesses probably buy ads in it "so that nothin' bad will happen to your store." B)
Now is that nice?

The truth is that The Chief holds no punches, especially when it comes to criticizing the unethical actions of Unions. They realize that the thug image does not get Unions much public sympathy.
The Folowing is the response from Local 100 to the ad that was paid for with Local 514s Money.

Why Is Our International President Attacking TWU Local 100 – Again?

To all transport workers, unionists and people of good will:

The September 12 Chief carried a full-page ad attacking TWU Local 100.

That ad was paid for by a TWU Local in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where The Chief is little known and less read. In fact, the hand behind this ad was that of International President Sonny Hall.

The immediate reason for this ad is a crisis that has engulfed the TWU on a national scale. But our International President’s response to that crisis is to again attack Local 100, as he has repeatedly done in the past.

The ad accuses us of being “anti-labor.†The International President has said and done worse. At the last International Convention we were called “friends of Bin Laden.â€

Who is calling Local 100 anti-labor?

All New Yorkers can recall the drama of last December, when transit workers confronted the MTA and City Hall. In our struggle we enjoyed the support of organized labor in New York—but not of our own International President. Three days before the contract deadline at the MTA, his lawyers were in court to disassociate the International from us, and declare that we were on our own. This was an embarrassment to the labor movement.

We stand accused of being anti-labor. Yet it is clear to all who know us that the new Local 100 lives by the principle of mobilizing our members to defend their rights and their interests, instead of going along, getting along with the powers that be. We believe they also recognize that the new Local 100 is doing its part to restore organized labor to its rightful place as champion of all working people.


The pretext for the September 12 ad was the crisis in the TWU. While the International President is busy attacking Local 100, the TWU’s Air Transport Division is in flames.

Thousands of members have signed affiliation cards for a non-AFL-CIO outfit, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association. TWU Local 100 resolutely opposes this and we are committed to fighting the raiding from AMFA any way we can.

Massive discontent has been fueled by crisis in the airline industry. Added to this is dissatisfaction with a contract settled under the threat of bankruptcy that rolls back 20 years of gains. And as well, there is the feeling on the part of many local officers and members that they were not allowed sufficient input in the contract process. Under these conditions AMFA, a dangerous organization, has picked up considerable support.

This complex situation requires appealing to the better judgment and sense of unionism of these lifelong TWUers, and responding in a positive manner to their legitimate concerns about union democracy and about the accountability of people in the International making decisions affecting their lives. This is something our International President violently opposes. The TWU’s house is on fire, and his attempts to silence criticism are adding fuel to the fire.

These actions, we believe, are counter-productive and do not speak to the AMFA threat—a threat from a craft association which stands squarely against the TWU’s model of industrial unionism.


Local 100 is accused by the September 12 ad of betraying that model. But it was not Local 100 who, on the eve of the MTA contract deadline, tried to split bus workers on the private lines in Queens from MTA workers. That was the International President’s supporters, including members of his Executive Board. Nor was it Local 100 who advocated splitting off the skilled trades at the MTA from the rest of our Local. That was the International President’s supporters, including members of his Executive Board. In 2002 our International President was willing to dispense with industrial unionism, the better to attack Local 100. Now he is wrapping himself in the flag of industrial unionism—the better to attack Local 100.

A few years ago Local 100 was in deep crisis. There were many signs of that crisis. One was the large number of former officers of this local—associates of the International President—who joined the ranks of management at the MTA.

Today a new Local 100 has arisen from the ashes of the old.

It is not any one personality or issue that moves our International President to lash out against us. It is that new day in Local 100.

There are those who still cherish the hope that the new Local 100 will disappear, and that the clock will turn back to the days of business as usual. We regret that our own International President has placed himself in their front ranks.

Paid for by TWU Local 100

pursuant to decision of the Executive Board, September 11, 2003

TWU Local 100

80 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10023

212-873-6000 www.twulocal100.org

(Text of full page ad that appeared in The Chief dated September 26, 2003.)
Most of the members OF 514 would have said hell no to an ad like that. truly the majority of the AMFA supportors are the real unionist here. and no it was never mentioned to the membership i promise you that it was a back door deal just like the new union hall the members voted down twice but Randy the dumb ass Mcdonald found a loop-hole to do it any way.

Most of the members OF 514 would have said hell no

hey d..is this a fact or your opinion? That's what I thought....
Ad in NY civil service newspaper-about $6000. 😱
Cross country agitators on UB-Who cares? The members pay. :angry:
Lies and disinformation in Local 514 rag sheet- a case of beer and some BBQ bologna :huh:
The look on the face of TWU lackeys when AMFA wins-
PRICELESS!!!! :up: :up: :up: :up: