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Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin.

This topic has nothing to do with Jan 6. This topic has to do with understanding why we are funding this War in Ukraine.
Just pointing out that one of the things that IS at issue is the credibility and bias of the "journalist" For 30 years Tucker Carlson has been on "debate" shows where he held the very hard right stance. He pushed the agenda of a stolen election and rigged voting machines that is cost his employer billions and cost him his job. But...there were RATINGS in those stories. Along with pushing a false narrative of a rigged election, he exemplified cherry picking with his "analysis" of January 6 tapes. Add to that - AFter Tucker lost his job at Fox, Russia (Putin) offered him a job to work for them. No bias there I guess.

Bottom line - Tucker is a wee bit biased towards Russia and against Ukraine. He is biased and Ukraine sees it. All Carlson cares about his exposure.
Just pointing out that one of the things that IS at issue is the credibility and bias of the "journalist" For 30 years Tucker Carlson has been on "debate" shows where he held the very hard right stance. He pushed the agenda of a stolen election and rigged voting machines that is cost his employer billions and cost him his job. But...there were RATINGS in those stories. Along with pushing a false narrative of a rigged election, he exemplified cherry picking with his "analysis" of January 6 tapes. Add to that - AFter Tucker lost his job at Fox, Russia (Putin) offered him a job to work for them. No bias there I guess.

Bottom line - Tucker is a wee bit biased towards Russia and against Ukraine. He is biased and Ukraine sees it. All Carlson cares about his exposure.

So all you ever want to be fed is fluff pieces that support the point of view you like? What’s the point with that? If that’s what you want or all you’re looking for you’re better off riding your bike and getting some exercise.

Tucker has a point of view that pretty much half of America agrees with. You might not like that but it’s a reality that’s not going to change no matter how hard someone tries to bang their own heads trying.
Man on the street interviews in Russia. Interesting perspectives of us.

I had a Russian roommate many years ago. She provided me with a very different perspective on how Russians think. The most amazing thing was when we sat down and had a conversation about freedoms and how she was describing that they’re actually freer in Russia than we are here.

Most Americans don’t want to hear or believe it though.
If anyone doesn’t want to just be fed their own Country’s propaganda at least America has not totally shut down finding another sides propaganda so you can read or listen to both sides and maybe have the freedom to make up your own minds and opinions.

Kinda sucks knowing how many just sheep out and go along with whatever they’re told.

So all you ever want to be fed is fluff pieces that support the point of view you like? What’s the point with that? If that’s what you want or all you’re looking for you’re better off riding your bike and getting some exercise.
I want an unbiased source. Carlson is very biased, although you like him. I have SEEN the bias in Carlson. The "election was rigged"...the January 6 group was just like a bunch of tourists. He has demonstrated bias. Jeez..how many folks like you who want "both sides" were calling CNN "fake news" and discounted anything that they reported? Same here with Tucker.
This topic has nothing to do with Jan 6. This topic has to do with understanding why we are funding this War in Ukraine.

If Zelensky really had the strength of his position/ confidence/ convictions he would have no problem being interviewed to defend against a point of view that doesn’t support the USA 🇺🇸 continuing to send money for this War.
It’s called the Budapest Memorandum.
I want an unbiased source. Carlson is very biased, although you like him. I have SEEN the bias in Carlson. The "election was rigged"...the January 6 group was just like a bunch of tourists. He has demonstrated bias. Jeez..how many folks like you who want "both sides" were calling CNN "fake news" and discounted anything that they reported? Same here with Tucker.

Look at you AGAIN making assumptions. When did I say that I “liked” Carlson. I think I said something along the lines that “some” of his interviews were fantastic and some of them were sensationalism. Since he came on X his interviews have been both hit and miss. The one he had with some guy who claimed to be President Obama’s lover was ridiculous and I wouldn’t have even dreamed to waste my time watching it.

I never said CNN was “Fake News” either. They report happenings with a massive slant and then have paid talking heads come on that to me are just annoying. Almost as bad as turning on Greg Gutfeld or Sean Hannity.

I don’t turn on CNN, FOX or MSNBC if I want “News”. I have a lot better places I can still turn to.

This may be a little too intellectual for this group but anyone that still maintains their common sense can see that this interview from the New Yorker is spot on. Highly likely Putin will confirm all of this in the Tucker interview?

“The political scientist John Mearsheimer has been one of the most famous critics of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. Perhaps best known for the book he wrote with Stephen Walt, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” Mearsheimer is a proponent of great-power politics—a school of realist international relations that assumes that, in a self-interested attempt to preserve national security, states will preëmptively act in anticipation of adversaries. For years, Mearsheimer has argued that the U.S., in pushing to expand nato eastward and establishing friendly relations with Ukraine, has increased the likelihood of war between nuclear-armed powers and laid the groundwork for Vladimir Putin’s aggressive position toward Ukraine. Indeed, in 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea, Mearsheimer wrote that “the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for this crisis.”

We had a guy called Weasel on our wrestling team. Didn’t comb his hair, had a girlfriend who looked like Howdy Doody, and got pinned every match before he flunked out.

Who knew he had a protege.
The other side of the story. Over 2 Hours long. 👏

Basically what I got out of it besides much that I already knew was that Russia was going to keep the land it took and the US has to find a way to live with it. Excellent interview and there were a few times you could tell Putin was getting pissed off. Otherwise Tucker asked some great questions and didn’t ask any stupid ones like bringing up Navalny or asking if Putin has ever had anyone killed or killed someone himself.

And Hillary Clinton can call Tucker a useful idiot if she wants but she just doesn’t like what she knows will happen next. Millions are going to watch the interview and make up their own minds.

Tucker was also very pushy trying to get that young Wall Street Journal Journalist released. I almost thought he had a shot at being successful.

A lot people can learn especially if attention deficit Americans actually can pay attention for over two hours. I actually wish it had gone longer.

Our Government will also never answer the constant question Putin asked. Why?
Ah well, predictably we have KFC howling like a liberal donkey.... and focused on buzzwords instead of taking it at face value.

Had this been Rachael Maddow or Christine Amanpour doing the interview, it would have been treated like Scripture by the left.

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