On 6/2/2003 10:53:51 AM whlinder wrote:
The real Southwest effect is indisputable- WN enters city, other airlines cut fares to stay competitive, more people fly out of that city. (Instead of driving or Greyhound or simply not traveling)
But any savvy/seasoned traveler knows that you have to check everywhere to get the lowest fare for what you want. Sometimes it will be WN, sometimes not. But the fact remains that WN will have no more than what, 6? 10? different fares on a given route, while your typical major airline can have 60 different fares.
And even though the majors continually sell loss-leader fares, thats their own problem, not consumers''. A fair fare is whatever the airline is willing to sell it for.
On 6/2/2003 10:53:51 AM whlinder wrote:
The real Southwest effect is indisputable- WN enters city, other airlines cut fares to stay competitive, more people fly out of that city. (Instead of driving or Greyhound or simply not traveling)
But any savvy/seasoned traveler knows that you have to check everywhere to get the lowest fare for what you want. Sometimes it will be WN, sometimes not. But the fact remains that WN will have no more than what, 6? 10? different fares on a given route, while your typical major airline can have 60 different fares.
And even though the majors continually sell loss-leader fares, thats their own problem, not consumers''. A fair fare is whatever the airline is willing to sell it for.
Actually I think the "real" SWA effect is a decrease in mailine sercice and the exit of businesses that rely on that service. When SWA comes in, in addition to "lowering fares" at a given airport, it also sucks traffic away from many other airports (and communities) in the region, leaving those cities without vital air service in some cases. It''s kind of like having a nice big new super walmart in your little town. prices go down, but whether or not it is "good" for the community is debatable. I have to hand it to SWA though. They have a BRILIANT marketing dept. This article simply highlights the reason you won''t see SWA on Travelocity. SWA depends on you to go direct to SWA.com (or IhateSWA.com) and buying the ticket direct, assuming it''s the lowest fare, when in fact it likely isn''t. they also depend on you not adding up the total fare. On travelocity, the fare usually includes all the taxes, SWA tacks those fee''s onto the "low price". kind of like buying a cheap camara on-line only to be hit for $50 "shipping and handling". They don''t "fare" well in a head to head, racked and stacked fare comparison. we went into this at length about 6 months ago. Booz Allen''s travel dept made a statement for a national publication that his company could save thousands on each trip from the Washington area to the bay area by driving to BWI and taking one of the more time consuming multi-stop SWA flights than on UAL. Of course, UAL''s walk up (non-stop) fare was actually cheaper and included a meal and movie. they must bill for travel time.