Don't know about cats and dogs but heard great story in the old Cold War days.
Some USAF outfit had visited Cold Lake and stolen a squadron's mascot, a stuffed creature of sorts.
The Canucks go on the reciprocal visit and figure, we are gonna get their mascot. Well turns out their mascot is a live chimp! Clever young fighter pilots, they feed said chimp much beer and pickled eggs (a tactical error as you will hear). The mascot falls asleep and finds itself in the back seat of a T-Bird driven by the newest Lt on the squadron of course now at FL250 somewhere over Montana.
The chimp, pardon the pun, goes ape sh*t and starts tearing at everything he can reach with his arms which is quite a lot apparently. The poor driver is in a tizzy, this damn monkey might pull the ejection handles which would eject both occupants in sequence. He declares an emergency to land at some other USAF base and all the while thinking he may have to eject himself if this animal doesn't calm down yet this would pop the rear seat out first but the monkey is no longer strapped in. What a dilemma for this poor young pilot.
T-Bird lands, stops on runway as emergency vehicles surround him, the canopy goes up and out goes the chimp like a scalded cat running across the airfield only to be shot by USAF security patrol five minutes later. Very politically wrong of course but still darn funny after all these years you know. Apparently a chimpanzee scared out of his ever loving mind will defecate and urinate profusely, so not only had this poor pilot now killed his friends monkey but he had a rather odiferous jet with several pieces ripped out of the rear cockpit and had to explain that to his commanding officer.
That one has always stuck with me as a good lesson. If an animal goes flying with me, unless it's a trained dog with a handler, it goes in a kennel/cage.
Green aligators and long necked geese........
😀 😛 