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Trump Polling

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Kev3188 said:
I'm a fan of direct action, not violence. Taking it to the streets is the height of politcal action, and something desperately lacking in this country. Trump blinked pure and simple.
Trump shoulda called it a job fair, none of those clowns woulda showed up........
townpete said:
You think that would have really mattered to the fascist crowd of Jackals outside? They have an agenda, and by any means necessary.
Come one Kev, you know the drill by now. 
townpete said:
You said nothing. Why do you condone violent fascist jackals trying to shut down speech you may not agree with? 
btw, the rejection of lefty PC culture isn't only happening here in the USA.
Why did you edit your post?
Hmm, a bit racist perhaps?
700UW said:
Why did you edit your post?
Hmm, a bit racist perhaps?
Gee, it just came to me. If it weren't for TownPete and Donald Trump, where would you be?
700UW said:
Your original post said monkey's.
It did?

You must be on the sauce again. I said nothing of the sort.

I have no qualms about calling those racist idiots howling monkey's or howling jackals. They are one of the same.
townpete said:
Again, there is nothing Trump would have said, would have appeased the rabid fascist howling monkey's outside. They followed blindly the order's they were given.
Just for you 700, pearl clutching material for you.

townpete said:
Again, there is nothing Trump would have said, would have appeased the rabid fascist howling monkey's outside. They followed blindly the order's they were given.
So was Southwind there or are you just being racist?
700UW said:
So was Southwind there or are you just being racist?
What's racist about people acting like animals?

Go back to your bottle.
You know, the more I study Trump, and yes I'm aware that he's got a good chance of going to  '1600, (a view I didn't hold not so long ago) (ya gotta' admit that the that the so-called GOP 'turnout' is going to have to be validated),  The 'good ol' boys' of the GOP are responsible for creating Trump (the now POTUS candidate).
While I don't want to see 'the DONALD' win, so long as he's got that dammed (R) by his name, at the very least, the Republican party that I've known since Eisenhower's day, will  NEVER be the same, ever again.   THAT is a very good thing !  
" GET EM  OUTTA HERE,......OUT......OUT.......OUT  "      !!!!!!!!!  :angry2:  :angry2:  :angry2:  
700UW said:
So was Southwind there or are you just being racist?
Says the Communist Libtard who believes government should control everything, from his IAM headquarters located in Mom's basement!
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