Trump Polling

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Dog Wonder said:
What are you a pro at?
Posting memes, insulting other posters and not answering questions directed at her.
Hey Kevin, did she send you that list yet?
Zom JFK said:
Kind of like the way Bill Clinton signed NAFTA after he promised not to when he was campaigning. Or the way he gave China most favored nation status. Yeah there was a real friend of the working man. I'm sure his wife will really fight for us. Just like the twu/IAM association does eh 700?
Is Bill running for POTUS?

And last time I checked this thread isnt about the IAM, the TWU nor the Association.But he shows you cant debate and have to  attack and go off topic.
700UW said:
Is Bill running for POTUS?

And last time I checked this thread isnt about the IAM, the TWU nor the Association.But he shows you cant debate and have to  attack and go off topic.
Not at all. There is nothing to debate. Hillary will pay the middle class all the lip service in the world then screw us first chance she gets just like her husband did. Just like Obama did. Just like the Association does. Birds of a feather.......
In 1991, a federal judge, Charles E. Stewart Jr., ruled that Trump had engaged in a conspiracy to violate a fiduciary duty, or duty of loyalty, to the workers and their union and that the “breach involved fraud and the Trump defendants knowingly participated in his breach.” The judge did not find Trump’s testimony to be sufficiently credible and set damages at $325,000. The case was later settled by negotiation, and the agreement was sealed.
Dog Wonder said:
In 1991, a federal judge, Charles E. Stewart Jr., ruled that Trump had engaged in a conspiracy to violate a fiduciary duty, or duty of loyalty, to the workers and their union and that the “breach involved fraud and the Trump defendants knowingly participated in his breach.” The judge did not find Trump’s testimony to be sufficiently credible and set damages at $325,000. The case was later settled by negotiation, and the agreement was sealed.
Jesus, how come the TWU or the IAM haven't been brought up on a charge for violating their fiduciary duty to the membership. They did bring back some of the worst contracts in the aviation business.

Edit: To stay on topic...Kinda hard to live in NYC and not have any "dealing's" with the mob. It isn't so hard now but back in the day just buying a slice of pizza or even McDonald's means you put money in the mobs pocket.
Typical can't refute throw something that has zero to do with the topic and see if no one will notice.
OgieJFK said:
Edit: To stay on topic...Kinda hard to live in NYC and not have any "dealing's" with the mob. It isn't so hard now but back in the day just buying a slice of pizza or even McDonald's means you put money in the mobs pocket.
I agree with you, some one else wants proof of the facts of life..
Dog Wonder said:
I agree with you, some one else wants proof of the facts of life..
How many criminal charges were there?






Kev3188 said:
Need i remind you...

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