Trump Polling

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700UW said:
The US' Chapter 11 was the same company, not four different companies, controlled by one person.
US didnt lose control of itself.
He lost his casinos, lost his airlines, US didnt lose its core businesses.
And he is suing and and lost so far twice his workers at one of his Las Vegas Hotels unionized and he wont recognize nor negotiate with them, even after losing twice, once with the NLRB and once with the courts.
But hey screw your workers is making America Great, right?
Got a list of companies and workers out of jobs due to forced union closures?
Ho Ho Ho     
Last time I checked a union doesnt open and close companies, that would be management and ownership.
700UW said:
Last time I checked a union doesnt open and close companies, that would be management and ownership.
You better check again.
Why do they makes claims of shutting this guy or that guy down then?
Trump is losing?  Get back to me Nov 8th.
The Hilary 500 pound Gorilla is coming too.
Kev3188 said:
You don't build anything on your own when the starting point is millions of dollars of inherited capital.
If he had started from nothing, you might have a story; you know, bootstraps and all that...
His story is he took what he inherited an built a massive brand and empire.

On his own.

With his sound business acumen.

So yes.

He built that.
He didn't build it on his own, his own words in his own book "Art of the Deal" explains it all.

But keep running wth misinformation, I see your vacation in the cornfield didn't help.

He had lots of help from Adnan Khashoggi.
xUT said:
Well, here we are.
168 pages of mostly blasting Billery and NoBama while providing little if any discussion on Trumps issues. True, it's not like we can compare platforms and issues because Trump doesn't have many other than 'big hands' and build a wall.
Sure, Trump would like to ban Muslims and I am no fan of Muslims myself.
But then there is that freedom of religion thingy in our constitution.
I would like to join in a discussion but there really isn't one.
So, what ever makes Trump so great, I haven't seen it, please enlighten me.
B) xUT
And whatever makes Hitlery great, eludes everyone also.
700UW said:
He didn't build it on his own, his own words in his own book "Art of the Deal" explains it all.
But keep running wth misinformation, I see your vacation in the cornfield didn't help.
He had lots of help from Adnan Khashoggi.
He surrounds himself with with the best people around. That's the key to success over living in the gutter envious of others like yourself.
Kev3188 said:
He did build it- with his dad's cash.
Now tell us how the story would've gone had he not started with millions in inheritance money.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Well he did have failures as you and 700 like to regurgitate.

How was it he was able to bounce back even stronger?

Envy green looks good on you btw.
townpete said:
Come on, we've danced this dance already. It's obvious you think he's an idiot and no one here is going to change that opinion you hold.

So answer me this, how is it he has gotten so far in life if he's an idiot?
He's employed thousands of people who know how to get things done as well. He expects people to perform. Is he a hard ass? Not really, he expects people to perform. Isn't that what's needed?

Has he had failures? Yes, but how was it he was able to turn that around every time?

Is he brash? Yes but what do you want, a smooth talker or the honest truth? Political correctness is killing this country.

Now look at the alternative you have. What exactly has Hildabeast achieved?
Thanks Pete,
FYI, IIRC, I have not called Trump an idiot.  Far from that as he is very intelligent, I just haven't found anything that would make me vote for him as POTUS, take his training classes, or otherwise have him bilk my hard earned cash with his house of glass.
He has no platform to speak of, just a bunch of sound bites with no substance pandering to the isolationist crowd.
Elections are still a long way off and I may find something of substance in the future.
Until then, I will never vote for him, but I will vote against him.
When/if Trump starts acting/speaking like a 'president' I might change my mind.
Take Care,
B) xUT
xUT said:
Thanks Pete,
FYI, IIRC, I have not called Trump an idiot.  Far from that as he is very intelligent, I just haven't found anything that would make me vote for him as POTUS, take his training classes, or otherwise have him bilk my hard earned cash with his house of glass.
He has no platform to speak of, just a bunch of sound bites with no substance pandering to the isolationist crowd.
Elections are still a long way off and I may find something of substance in the future.
Until then, I will never vote for him, but I will vote against him.
When/if Trump starts acting/speaking like a 'president' I might change my mind.
Take Care,
B) xUT
So your saying that Hilary is something of substance and "presidential"?

Surely you can't be serious.
xUT said:
Now that's funny.
It's cool, obviously you have your mind made up already, and no one here is going to change that.

There's two choices for president that will lead to two different paths for America.

You chose the path Hillary will take, myself I would rather go with Trump. Those are the only choices we have, so it is what it is.

Best of luck to us both.

xUT said:
What makes you think I'll vote for a DemoRat -or- a RebubliRat?
BTW, Trump is just a different shade of RAT.
Sorry you can't see that... :p
Well those are the two viable choices we have.

It is what it is right?

I'm confused on what answers you are searching for.

Surely you're not thinking a third party/ write in candidate is a viable alternative.
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