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In 16 years, Hillary still thinks she can be president. She should make Monica Lewinski her Vice President, because Monica proved she can get the job done. She destroyed ALL women who dared accuse Bill of the obvious, yet she fights for woman's rights? Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife, is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, that was a key player in Benghazi, and she is Hillary's top adviser??? BTW, the Brotherhood frowns on Jewish husbands with Arab wives, which brings to question WHY they accept Weiner's weiner!
In the world of the Clintons, anybody can BUY AMERICA, if the price is right and checks are made payable to the non-profit Clinton Foundation.
signals said:
In 16 years, Hillary still thinks she can be president. She should make Monica Lewinski her Vice President, because Monica proved she can get the job done. She destroyed ALL women who dared accuse Bill of the obvious, yet she fights for woman's rights? Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife, is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, that was a key player in Benghazi, and she is Hillary's top adviser??? BTW, the Brotherhood frowns on Jewish husbands with Arab wives, which brings to question WHY they accept Weiner's weiner!
In the world of the Clintons, anybody can BUY AMERICA, if the price is right and checks are made payable to the non-profit Clinton Foundation.
One would have to wonder how long a guy who proudly boasts of being "really rich" would be content with a pay cut that comes with being president.  He won't have time to exercise "the art of the deal" to make him even richer while he is trying to use that deal making art to get Mexicans to build a wall.  If one is accustomed to dealing and getting a 7 or 8 figure income every year....would he be satisfied with $400k? And might he start accepting some checks.
KCFlyer said:
One would have to wonder how long a guy who proudly boasts of being "really rich" would be content with a pay cut that comes with being president.  He won't have time to exercise "the art of the deal" to make him even richer while he is trying to use that deal making art to get Mexicans to build a wall.  If one is accustomed to dealing and getting a 7 or 8 figure income every year....would he be satisfied with $400k? And might he start accepting some checks.
weak like 700's memes
how is Hillary and Bill going to "pay the bills" without those 500k wallst and foreign companies speeches ?
cltrat said:
weak like 700's memes
how is Hillary and Bill going to "pay the bills" without those 500k wallst and foreign companies speeches ?
Unlike Trump, Bill and Hillary don't try to remind the world on a daily basis that they are "really really rich".  Trump does.  He currently has the freedom to exercise "the art of the deal" to grab some investment properties, or find a casino or airline to take into bankruptcy.  When he is president - he will pretty much be limited to his $400k annual salary.  Or are we willing to allow a president to negotiate with Mexico on wall issues, to negotiate or invade middle east countries or work on trade deals while also negotiating on turning Yellowstone into a Trump Resort?   Bill and Hillary certainly have made a boatload of money on the speaking circuit - I don't recall Bill doing mucn more than running the country during his 8 years in the white house.   
So I think it's a legit question...can a guy who has an innate need to let people know how he is really really rich actually settle for a job paying $400k, and which is far more demanding that deciding which marble to put in the bathrooms of the presidential suite of a hotel. 
delldude said:
So what?
You don't think he has considered this?
Honestly?  No....I don't think he has thought it thru.  Trump doesn't strike me as one impressed by power...to the Donald...it's all about the money.  I wonder if he'll have an "oh sh!t" moment when he realizes he could have made 5 times as much in one deal as he will in 4 years of holding the most powerful office in the world.   And as thin skinned as he is....if George Soro's tweets  "Hey president Trump...just made a cool 10 mil on a real estate deal...how's the rose garden looking"....Trumps head would explode.  
KCFlyer said:
One would have to wonder how long a guy who proudly boasts of being "really rich" would be content with a pay cut that comes with being president.  He won't have time to exercise "the art of the deal" to make him even richer while he is trying to use that deal making art to get Mexicans to build a wall.  If one is accustomed to dealing and getting a 7 or 8 figure income every year....would he be satisfied with $400k? And might he start accepting some checks.
Trump has already stated that he is not accepting the president salary as he does not need it! Unlike Obummer who is demanding a increase in salary (only president to do so btw) even though the poor have become even poorer under his 2 terms!!
Black Magic said:
Trump has already stated that he is not accepting the president salary as he does not need it! Unlike Obummer who is demanding a increase in salary (only president to do so btw) even though the poor have become even poorer under his 2 terms!!
Trump also said he was self funding his campaign...until he wasn't.  For a guy who goes out of his way to remind everyone how "really rich" he is...I really don't think he realizes that he CAN'T "do deals" to make him "really richer" during his term.  Helll...I'll start a twitter account and tweet to president Trump how much money I made on deals and how much richer I am than he is.  I bet I'd get a rebuttal tweet from the president....Trump is little more than one of those "get rich quick in real estate" hucksters you see on late night TV...in order to stay wealthy...you have to keep the cash flow up.  Being president cuts that cash flow. and I'll bet you he'll quietly take that presidential salary. 
KCFlyer said:
Trump also said he was self funding his campaign...until he wasn't.  For a guy who goes out of his way to remind everyone how "really rich" he is...I really don't think he realizes that he CAN'T "do deals" to make him "really richer" during his term.  Helll...I'll start a twitter account and tweet to president Trump how much money I made on deals and how much richer I am than he is.  I bet I'd get a rebuttal tweet from the president....Trump is little more than one of those "get rich quick in real estate" hucksters you see on late night TV...in order to stay wealthy...you have to keep the cash flow up.  Being president cuts that cash flow. and I'll bet you he'll quietly take that presidential salary. 
 Yep in liberals eyes he is damned no matter what he does.  Take the salary or not, self campaign or not, he can't win right?!!  Makes no difference..better get used to it and show some respect for your soon to be new president!!
News flash to you..he's already got F you type of rich money.  He's not running for president to get rich, he's doing it because he cares about how America is getting flushed down the toilet.  Politicians will never get the job done, he will.
Black Magic said:
 Yep in liberals eyes he is damned no matter what he does.  Take the salary or not, self campaign or not, he can't win right?!!  Makes no difference..better get used to it and show some respect for your soon to be new president!!
News flash to you..he's already got F you type of rich money.  He's not running for president to get rich, he's doing it because he cares about how America is getting flushed down the toilet.  Politicians will never get the job done, he will.
Naw....I just thought that conservatives who are so hard on Hillary for lying...who want me to respect our next president but call our sitting president Obummer....might question a guy who changes positions about as often was the wind changes direction on a March day.   A change of positions is either considered a lie, or "flip flopping"....something that wasn't a very good trait when it was s democrat who did it.  
I know he's not running for president to get rich....but I've seen interviews with rich guys like Warren Buffet...Mark Cuban...Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg...Bill Gates...All of them much richer than Trump, yet not a single time did they feel the need to remind the interview than they were "really really rich".  Trump never fails to point out his wealth.  It's kind of a "mines bigger" syndrome - and yep...the salary a president makes is peanuts in comparison to what all these "really rich" people earn.  But you DO realized that the day to day "deals" of a business mogul will end the day he says "so help me God" as our countries new president.  I don't think he'll be able to watch others get richer and richer while he has to settle for a salary of $400k per year.    
Oh yeah....he's going to refuse that salary.  I'll bet he made that promise while discussing how "really really rich" he is.     He will be giving up control of his wealthy kingdom when he becomes president.  He won't even be able to buy and sell his own stocks.   I don't think he's really thought this one thru.  Just one tweet from someone talking about how much money they just made will make Trump's head explode.  
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