In 16 years, Hillary still thinks she can be president. She should make Monica Lewinski her Vice President, because Monica proved she can get the job done. She destroyed ALL women who dared accuse Bill of the obvious, yet she fights for woman's rights? Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife, is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, that was a key player in Benghazi, and she is Hillary's top adviser??? BTW, the Brotherhood frowns on Jewish husbands with Arab wives, which brings to question WHY they accept Weiner's weiner!
In the world of the Clintons, anybody can BUY AMERICA, if the price is right and checks are made payable to the non-profit Clinton Foundation.
In the world of the Clintons, anybody can BUY AMERICA, if the price is right and checks are made payable to the non-profit Clinton Foundation.