Trump not a threat to democracy


Oct 29, 2002
No kidding...................comments from democrats...............democrats never lie.

Progressives enraged as Democrats reportedly privately admit Trump isn't an 'existential threat to democracy'​


Liberals on social media seethed in reaction to Democratic lawmakers reportedly admitting behind the scenes that former President Trump isn't a "threat to democracy" as their party loudly claims.

New York Times columnist Ezra Klein appeared on The Bulwark Podcast Tuesday and revealed what "top Democrats" have told him off the record as they panic over whether they should support or abandon President Biden on their ticket.

"People are weighing this set of things. Like, ‘It would be quite unpleasant for me personally to come out against the president as an elected official in the Democratic Party,' and weighing what will happen if Donald Trump wins, and saying, in a revealed preference way, ‘I can live with Donald Trump winning,’" Klein said. "And I've heard people say that to me off the record, to be fair-"
"Really?" podcast host Tim Miller reacted.

"I've had top Democrats say to me, basically, say something like, ‘I don’t know why all these Democrats who think Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy are acting the way they are. But the reason I'm acting the way I am is because I don't think that,'" Klein continued.
"Who the f--- is this?" an angered Miller exclaimed. "Out your sources, Ezra!"

"I find it maddening, but I do find it consistent," Klein responded.

Klein later told Miller, "I think you have to at some point say, whatever these Democrats are saying in public, they're more resigned and more willing to just be the resistance to a Trump presidency than a lot of their public-facing rhetoric would suggest."

"You have a calm voice, but you're skyrocketing my f---ing blood pressure right now," Miller said. "Ezra, I'm just, like, so f---ing mad."
Miller shared the "GALLING exchange" on X, sparking anger among other anti-Trump voices.

"Absolutely f---ing enraging," former Obama speechwriter and Pod Save America co-host Jon Favreau reacted.

"Correction: I was not being much too easy on the Democrats. I was being much, much, much too easy on them," New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chait said.

Hollywood A-lister and Democratic megadonor George Clooney, who co-hosted Biden's star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles just weeks before the debate, penned a scathing essay in The New York Times calling for a new nominee.

"It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe "big F-ing deal" Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate," Clooney wrote.

This threat to Democracy malarkey is total garbage and extremely annoying. It’s also beyond belief that they compare Trump to Adolph Hitler. Insane. The real threat to Democracy is having one Political Party going after a former President who again is running for that office with a controlled Legal system that’s throwing everything including the kitchen sink to try and get him out of the race or worse and insanely thrown in Prison. Thankfully at least so far it hasn’t worked. And we’ll see what happens with all the appeals on the “wins” that are trying to Bankrupt him. And I hope he sells those dopey Truth Social shares for Billions to give the cockroaches a nice middle finger.

The threat to Democracy is endorsing and supporting someone for President who wins by possibly a little shady means and then trying to force him out later on down the line when they believe he’s going to lose to the last guy and he’s no longer useful to the Party sycophants. And I hope he stays in just to also give those cockroaches (Clooney included) a nice middle finger. 🖕

The threat to Democracy exists in the Political party that I used to belong to proudly that I now find completely unrecognizable and am ashamed of.
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That's because dems do what they do best..........................lie, cheat and distort.
I wonder when the Globalist's, Neocons and Neolibs, Blackrock and the Military Industrial Complex are going to sabotage the Trump Plane? ✈️

Personally my 401K is up off the charts the last two years.

Trump might be dumb enough to put an end to all that death ☠️ over there and really shut down our Arms Factories.

Trump already exercised his threat to democracy for te past four years. Any election that a Republican doesn't win is "rigged"or "stolen". Lack of trust in the election process. Since the beginning of the year he has been saying that the only way he doesn't win is if the election is stolen or rigged. He said that in 2016 and he said that in 2024. And people will believe this little boy who never lost at a game of monopoly.

It's a moot point because he is going to win - right when it looked like the GOP was imploding with the MTG's and Boeberts and Gaetz's going after their fellow republicans, the Democrats swoop in like Superman to save them. Biden should have been a placeholder president...get Trump out and spend the next four years vetting and pumping the 2024 candidate. Instead, they pinned their hopes on Trump being convicted of a felony an not running. While they "won", they lost because all that did was get him more support. Then they pinned their hopes on Trump looking like a fool in the debates, and boy did that backfire. After that, few are likely to switch to Trump, but they will most likely vote for Kennedy. So Trump will be the 47th president. What remains to be seen is if his vengeance tour will take precedence over the country.
Trump day 1 begins peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Agreement America will not support NATO admission for Ukraine, Russia keeps Crimea agrees to pull back to agreed line in the Donbas region. All Military aid ends to Ukraine replaced by only Humanitarian Aid. Blackrock makes deal for resource sharing for predetermined timeframe.

Trump declares full complete and total support for Israel. Pushes for Diplomatic solution of Palestinian refugees into Jordan and Egypt.

Trump extends Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Makes commitment to extend any America first initiatives enacted by former President Joe Biden. Makes public statement that his Justice Department will open no investigations against anyone in the Biden administration. Shuts down any and all cases against himself, his family and anyone involved with his former administration issuing full Presidential pardons.

Reinstates Remain in Mexico policy. Negotiates path to citizenship for migrants that prove they’ve been in the Country more than 10 years. With penalties. First 5 years no accumulation of Social Security benefits payed into the system. In other words pay a penalty to the US Citizens. 5 years pass and granted full citizenship.
Trump already exercised his threat to democracy for te past four years. Any election that a Republican doesn't win is "rigged"or "stolen". Lack of trust in the election process. Since the beginning of the year he has been saying that the only way he doesn't win is if the election is stolen or rigged. He said that in 2016 and he said that in 2024. And people will believe this little boy who never lost at a game of monopoly.

It's a moot point because he is going to win - right when it looked like the GOP was imploding with the MTG's and Boeberts and Gaetz's going after their fellow republicans, the Democrats swoop in like Superman to save them. Biden should have been a placeholder president...get Trump out and spend the next four years vetting and pumping the 2024 candidate. Instead, they pinned their hopes on Trump being convicted of a felony an not running. While they "won", they lost because all that did was get him more support. Then they pinned their hopes on Trump looking like a fool in the debates, and boy did that backfire. After that, few are likely to switch to Trump, but they will most likely vote for Kennedy. So Trump will be the 47th president. What remains to be seen is if his vengeance tour will take precedence over the country.

Independents determine elections. Staunch team Democrats and Republicans rarely abandon their parties. Democrats who believe the party is no longer recognizable will vote for Kennedy if he’s on the Ballot or else after what they saw yesterday will pivot to Trump now.

Many street people who don’t participate are now in Trumps camp because they see a Warrior. X is showing all of them calling him one of their own and calling him a thug. Thug in their terms being a real man.

Trump also showed the World toughness. Biden shows weakness. Trump didn’t slink off that stage, he railed in pure defiance “FIGHT”

You’re right Democrats screwed up. Biden should have transitioned but Harris isn’t going to win any popularity contests. Biden made the DEI choice in 2019 and they’re going to pay for it now.
Same things have been done by the democrats too.

What's your point?

The weird thing is how they claim they weren’t saying it too. “He knows he’s an illegitimate President”


And it wasn’t just Hilary who was saying it. The liberally slanted or compromised media was also parroting it as well as a huge majority on the left.

So what’s the difference between saying “illegitimate” and the election was stolen?

If they hadn’t done it “first” to Trump would he “maybe” not have had as much fervor to paint the same picture in reverse? Did he maybe just give back what he got in spades?

BREAKING NEWS: Multiples sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time:

* plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely

* Jon Meacham polishing up remarks

* Biden with NOT resign the presidency

* Biden will NOT endorse Harris

* open convention with Harris and about 3 others

* super delegates will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot

* Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro