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TRUMP has C O V I D - 19 !!!!!!!!

Are you really that dumb? Secret Service is there literally to take a bullet for POTUS and others in their protection.

Being in a SUV for a few minutes is inconsequential when you consider his detail was with him before he tested positive, and the virus is most contagious in the 48 hours prior to symptoms.
I dunno. If my daughter has to go into a negative pressure room for an hour or for 30 seconds, she's wearing the same equipment. Those in the SUV weren't. And the secret service is supposed to take a bullet, but most would stop short of putting a gun to their head and taking THAT bullet from him. Trump only cares about himself and nobody else...not even the guys who are their to take a bullet for him.

But you bring up a good point that only reinforces the conspiracy theory that he's faking it.
I don't know about that KC. The liberals aren't very touchy Feely anymore. This video I posted in the democrats the gift that keeps on giving thread illustrates what the left is about these days.

Maybe they are taking a page out of the Republican playbook.
Maybe they are taking a page out of the Republican playbook.
Maybe they aren't. Can you show me some Republicans behaving like the left? The Democrats are the party of hate and division. Always have been. Yeah your side are a pretty loathsome bunch.
Maybe they aren't. Can you show me some Republicans behaving like the left? The Democrats are the party of hate and division. Always have been. Yeah your side are a pretty loathsome bunch.

Hmmm...could you cite for me any unifying steps our REPUBLICAN president has taken in the past 4 years? Aside from calling Neo Nazi's and Klansmen "very good people"? Trump by his very nature is divisive and engenders hate. He only knows winning or losing. Black or White. High or Low...here is no in between with this man. He claims to be an artful negotiator, but he has yet to display any negotiating skill to unite this country. Help me out here...name one.
There's a subset of this country doesn't want unity.... about 30% at any given time.
And the secret service is supposed to take a bullet, but most would stop short of putting a gun to their head and taking THAT bullet from him.
And here we go again. The left's delve into the fantastic and the absurd. COVID has a high 90's percentage change of survivability (which seems to change often but remains high). How survivable do you think being shot in the head is at point blank range?

If you are going to come up with some fictional example could you make it less...... stupid?
Hmmm...could you cite for me any unifying steps our REPUBLICAN president has taken in the past 4 years? Aside from calling Neo Nazi's and Klansmen "very good people"? Trump by his very nature is divisive and engenders hate. He only knows winning or losing. Black or White. High or Low...here is no in between with this man. He claims to be an artful negotiator, but he has yet to display any negotiating skill to unite this country. Help me out here...name one.
Hmm can you show me some Republicans as hateful as the Democrats? The "nazis and Klansmen are very good people" hoax dosen't count.
Stand Back and Stand By. Unless you turned off the debate when Trump was losing it.
Hmm can you show me some Republicans as hateful as the Democrats? The "nazis and Klansmen are very good people" hoax dosen't count.
So you can't see where the one man with the power to guide unification has tried to unify.
So you can't see where the one man with the power to guide unification has tried to unify.
The left has no interest in compromise or unity. How can you reason with people that scream for your blood 24/7?
The left has no interest in compromise or unity. How can you reason with people that scream for your blood 24/7?
Would you be so kind as to give me an example of where Trump has reached out in the spirit of compromise or unity and the commie demolibs have rejected it? AFter all...he is what is usually referred to as "the leader".

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