Trump Chicago Journalists

Indeed. I mean, if you see a black pilot, it's a DEI hire (he had trouble with that one as well)
I don't think black people are a DEI hire just because they are in a prestigious position. However, once you "poison the well" by allowing it at all then you invite scrutiny on all. That is not racism, that is human nature, especially when that well is poisoned by way of government mandate. A government that is supposed to "represent all equally" but shows preferential treatment to select groups should be criticized and let's be honest, our government participating in identity politics is what is fueling this.
Hilary Clinton was well qualified (Not the most qualified person in US History) to run for POTUS. And that’s the reason at the time that I voted for her over the unknown choice Donald Trump. That reason mainly and still being a registered Democrat supporting the positions of the Democratic Party.

Kamala Harris was only a Senator for 4 years. She’s been Vice President but I haven’t seen not even one Policy discussion with her where she comes off as studied. She seems to bumble her way through.

She will not get my vote. She’s embarrassing. I’ll vote for either Kennedy or Trump.
So you were OK with all the scandals the Clintons were mixed up with since he was a governor in AR?
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So this sensational story just went away.................proves it was manufactured BS.

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