Trump ' BLINKED ' !!!!!!!!!!


Who is hating who?
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  • #33
Now Trump has done what I would have...…..turn around at the need for court costs......MAGA

Oh boy dell.
with a statement like yours (above), methinks you're 'figgerin' that the attempted FLORES decision reversal, will be D.O.A. ??? !!!!
Hack, stop crying. Your team won and you know they suck.

It will be ok. go sit in a corner and suck your thumb. BTW, when exactly did North Korea give up their nukes again?

yo Hack! your team won! We dems agree with you on controlling immigration. just not on how; my teamis clueless on how but your team won! Show us how!

When will ya’ll build the wall? After Trump rebuilds N.Korea’s Cities and beaches? After Trump saves Chinese jobs (ZTE)?

When will the winning team do something?

I agree Hillary would have been polarizing and a lame duck, but your team controls everything!

Trump is issuing E.O’s left and right. Is he also an Imperialist?

Hack! WTF?

Hack! Does the US get investments on infrastructure before, or after “space force”?

And if before, do we use american labor?

Unfortunately Count DumDum, your posts are cross between 'Ol man Bears libtard dementia and Wonder Mutt's one-liner nothingness.


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  • #36
WHEN does construction for the WALL, commence ? Date ? Year ?
YOU know, The WALL, that will NEVER be built. Thou you will NEVER admit it, YOU KNOW that the migrants will NEVER stop coming, AND they (and YOU) now know they'll bring MORE Children with them !!!
Soooo, since no physical WALL will EVER be built, what will the MORON do then ? EXECUTE Women and CHILDREN while swimming in the Rio Grande river ???? C'mon, GENIUS, tell us !! Inquiring minds want to know !
Why aren't all the Libtards, flappin', wailing, bitchin' and moanin', when an actual "American Citizen" breaks the law and is separated from THEIR children?
That’s the look of a woman wanting to say something stupider than the day before and seceding
Border Patrol halts prosecution of parents, Harley moves jobs to Europe. In case you Trountry Cumpkins hadn't noticed.
WHEN does construction for the WALL, commence ? Date ? Year ?
YOU know, The WALL, that will NEVER be built. Thou you will NEVER admit it, YOU KNOW that the migrants will NEVER stop coming, AND they (and YOU) now know they'll bring MORE Children with them !!!
Soooo, since no physical WALL will EVER be built, what will the MORON do then ? EXECUTE Women and CHILDREN while swimming in the Rio Grande river ???? C'mon, GENIUS, tell us !! Inquiring minds want to know !
I guess the LSD flavored blue jello is taking effect on your pea brain
Gramps, having a very bad trip. I always get a kick out of the NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER melt downs and your demented base predictions. Your gurl Hildabeast was speaking again in the UK, and it was a laughable myriad of excuses as usual. She's really going down the tubes fast.

Patience on the wall, Gramps. As a low wage unskilled worker, you seem happy that illegals are jumping over the boarder. Your really that dense? Trump has only been in office for a year and a half, he's done more than the worst president in history Obammy did in 8 years of failure. Takes time to correct all those Obammy failures. Today was a big win for the "Travel Ban" or as the looney libtards call it, a mooslim ban. Ruled constitutional, as it should be.

Rome wasn't built in a day, take your Geritol, stop beating on your CAPS button and relax Gramps.
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  • #44
I guess the LSD flavored blue jello is taking effect on your pea brain
Gramps, having a very bad trip. I always get a kick out of the NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVER melt downs and your demented base predictions. Your gurl Hildabeast was speaking again in the UK, and it was a laughable myriad of excuses as usual. She's really going down the tubes fast.

Patience on the wall, Gramps. As a low wage unskilled worker, you seem happy that illegals are jumping over the boarder. Your really that dense? Trump has only been in office for a year and a half, he's done more than the worst president in history Obammy did in 8 years of failure. Takes time to correct all those Obammy failures. Today was a big win for the "Travel Ban" or as the looney libtards call it, a mooslim ban. Ruled constitutional, as it should be.

Rome wasn't built in a day, take your Geritol, stop beating on your CAPS button and relax Gramps.

You have a better chance of seeing 'JESUS', before you Trump Morons will EVER see a WALL !!

PS. Federal Judge today ORDERS family's reunified within a 'few' days !!!!

PPS. HACK JOB. MY 4 Checks are due into my bank on the 1st., so keep WORKING and paying those TAXES.
Are WE CLEAR ?????????
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You have a better chance of seeing 'JESUS', before you Trump Morons will EVER see a WALL !!

PS. Federal Judge today ORDERS family's reunified within a 'few' days !!!!

PPS. HACK JOB. MY 4 Checks are due into my bank on the 1st., so keep WORKING and paying those TAXES.
Are WE CLEAR ?????????
Living in Never-Ever-Never Land is so very tragic for you Grampa Bears, I thought you would have learned from your Hildabeast predictions. Your apparently that obtuse, but we already know that.

Such a this dumb tripe you wrote in Oct 2016... :

"Well dell, truth-be-told, lets see who gets more votes in PA.
I say 'HILL gets more votes in PA. than does T-Rump.
What say you, old friend ?" Now you would think you would stop with your predictions and sewer-type blather by now, but not you, your "smarter than the average bear".:rolleyes:o_O:rolleyes:o_O

A Federal judge can order the family brown reunite, don't mean it's happening any time soon Gramps.

I'll say this you brain dead 'Ol fart, the more the unhinged radical left go out of their way to insult, threaten and degrade the Trump cabinet in public restaurants and theaters, the more votes the libtards will lose in 2018, and 2020. I guess the "Me Too" movement is over?

Eat some blue Jello, and take a nap Gramps. Leave the rest to Trump and the Trump train.:);):);)

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