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Trip Report: GPT-ATL-GPT 9/7/02


Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
AirTran Airways
Flight 658
Departs: 10:50 A.M. CST
Arrives: 12:58 P.M. EST
Seat 27C
Me and my friend got to the airport early for this trip. We got the ticket for $76.50 RT, so we could not pass it up. N966AT arrived from ATL ontime, and we boarded after Business Class and Preboarding. I took Seat 27C. What a great seat! I could hear the #1 engine start, the #2 engine start, and then we pushed back. Takeoff was fantastic! I was pushed back into my seat. The flight lasted about 55 minutes. Inflight service was Beverages and Pretzels. We landed ontime and taxied into Gate C7, where we met a good friend from Virginia.
After 6 hours in ATL, it was time to come home.
AirTran Airways
Flight 659
Departs: 7:35 P.M. EST
Arrives: 7:53 P.M. CST
Seat 27C
This flight was the same as the first, except we did a powerback from C10. This was my first powerback in a 717, and I thought it was more impressive than the DC-9''s. Inflight Service was the same, and the flight lasted about 55 minutes. The best part came when we landed. As we taxied into GPT, the F/A started singing Don''t Be Cruel By Elvis Presley. As the seatbelt sign blinked off, he joked All Rise. I have never heard people clap in unison on a plane before. This was my best flight ever, thanks AirTran