I'm being disingenuous? I have an agenda? You have got to be kidding! You are the one with an agenda, believing everything Southwest says.
Well, JS, we can just agree to disagree here....but if you knew me, you would realize that I have a healthy skepticism for anything WN puts out.
I rely on what I know from being around when the Wright Amendment was put in to play. Heck, I was around when Southwest fought both cities, the DFW Airport Board, and Braniff in Judge William Mack Taylor's courtroom.
My bottom line on all this is: if Wright was meant to protect DFW and give it a running start so it didn;t end up like Amon Carter Field aka GSW, it succeeded. It can go away now.
If the reason we're clinging to Wright is to provide some sort of trade protectionism to DFW's largest tenant, it is also time for Wright to go away.
I like American. They're my 2nd favorite carrier. I admire the fact that they've managed to stay afloat without running and hinding behind the bankruptcy court skirt tail.
But what Arpey is doing now is making a mountain out of a molehill. He
really isn't worried about Southwest taking passengers away, he is worried (and rightly so) about what will happen to walk up fares hence average fares and yield in markets Southwest can participate in from the greater Dallas area.
If Wright went away tomorrow, and American just ignored it....you would see an equilibrium point achieved and it would look an awful lot like Chicago O'Hare and Chicago Midway.
Of course, that would require American's management to
Stop and Think.