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Trans States J41s Discontinued

Light Years

Aug 27, 2002
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From another website:


Trans States Airlines will discontinue its at-risk Jetstream 41 flying for US Airways Express.

To be discontinued on 6/4/05:

To be discontinued on 7/2/05:

To be discontinued on 8/31/05:

US Airways Express will no longer serve the PIT-TYS, PIT-GSO, BWI-RIC markets.

US Airways Express will continue to serve the PIT-RIC market with 3x ERJ, and the PIT-RDU market with 1x ERJ + 2x DH8

US Airways Express carrier Colgan Air will begin service in the BWI-GSO and BWI-SYR markets on 9/1/05, with 3x daily BE1 roundtrips in each market.




The 8 J41s will leave the US Airways Express system. TSA will still operate 13 ERJ145s for US Airways Express, which I believe makes them the smallest USX carrier, with primarily PIT-based operations. Will they be the first replaced by AWA?

This brings the USX fleet to:

B1900 (C/D) 23 (Air Midwest/Colgan Air)
SF340 19 (Colgan Air)
DH8 (100/200/300) 57 (Piedmont)
ERJ145 84 (Mesa/Chautauqua/Trans States)
CRJ (200/700) 72 (PSA/Mesa)
E170 (sort of) 26 (170 Division)

Total 288
It is a darn shame that there are more express planes flying then mainline.
Yea, and when your contract carriers outnumber your wholly Owns!!
Out of the 288 only about 100 of them are opertated by actual US Airways Group employees.
700UW said:
It is a darn shame that there are more express planes flying then mainline.
Get ready for 46 more when Mesa (HPX) gets added to the mix.

Hey Piney, how do the FF's feel about having a better than even chance that when they book a US flight they will ride on an RJ or less? I hear the plan is to move some CRJ900's to the east coast.

More of what you love about Mesa's RJ's!
It’s my understanding that current Mesa and TSA US Airways Express flying will not be affirmed through the bankruptcy process.


USA320Pilot said:
It’s my understanding that current Mesa and TSA US Airways Express flying will not be affirmed through the bankruptcy process.



When you say Mesa flying, does that include Air Midwest EAS routes?

Although you were incorrect about PSA being "sold off" to Mesa and possibly a few other points about us Bluestreak'ers, I'd be interested to know what Chip's crystal ball see's in PSA's future?
USA320Pilot said:
It’s my understanding that current Mesa and TSA US Airways Express flying will not be affirmed through the bankruptcy process.

I think that's pretty much a given in the analyst community regarding Mesa, but it's less clear with TransStates...

It's clearly pay to play these days at US, and somehow, I don't think there's any love lost between Parker and Ornstein. Even if JO'd offered to put up some money to invest, I don't know that it would have been welcomed.
Former ModerAAtor said:
I don't think there's any love lost between Parker and Ornstein.

Maybe not, but Mesa does all the express flying for HP, I believe. Seems I read somewhere that those contracts are good till 2013 and HP can't dump them quite as easily as US can.

On the positive side, though, there is a higher % of larger RJ's in HP's express fleet than in USX, which helps keep costs down (relatively speaking).

Orstein did what hew always does, he took advantage of the situation/people. I am quite sure he was interested in both PSA and PDT, but at a price that was just about the same as getting them for free.

Another thing he feared IMO was the labor implications of bringing the pilot groups and contracts of PDT and (less so) PSA on board. There would have been many headaches with the intregration of better contracts into the joke of a CBA that Mesa has.

IMO when the deal started coming down, and JO saw that he could not buy himself into the boardroom, he backed off and rested on the deal he already had in place with HP, rather than increasing his total precentage with an acquisition of further US flying.

IMO the powers that are assuming control would rather both Mesa and Republic to save their capital to make sure they can obtain additional larger jets like the CRJ-900 and E-170/190 for near term (1 - 2 yr) replacement of the outgoing 737's.

I would assume that GE wants it that way, and that tends to be what decides what is going to happen around here.

On a related note, the expansion of 90 seat flying will cause yet another "ripple" effect upon the remainder of the industry as they too loosen scope provisions and follow US/HP's lead. Just another thing that US Airways is transforming the airline industry with
Years ago Bob Crandall said airlines would eventually evolve into "virtual' airlines. They'd own nothing except a franchise name.