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Toilet Seat Lawsuit

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To another poster: The people I know who get 'buddy passes' ride for free. If they are charged, then their buddy is making money. At a local AP pub hangout, I won't say what a B6 employee said she would trade a free buddy pass for. Get your head out of the gutter, because it wasn't that!
[/quote] I don't know what airline or employee they are getting the passes from for free, but I haven't had a Free one in over 12 years. The trips I can non-rev don't cost me as I am an employee, although with Jet-A climbing, that 'Freebie' is going South soon. If any of my (non airline) friends want a Buddy Pass, they pay what I pay. I don't ask for more than what is deducted from my paycheck upfront. They used to be around $25 O/W, now around $60 O/W. Anywho, getting back on thread, $2 Milllion would not be a bad figure had this pass rider been hurt while riding the porceline steering wheel. It's beyond me how the FARs could be so blatently ignored, if this is true, in this case. I'm sure someone will request a reference so I Emailed myself to remind me to look this up when back in my office. What a turn of events.... last fiasco was not being able to use the Lavs while stuck on the ramp for hours and now you're made to sit there during flight..... Cracks me up!
OK I'm confused...go figure. I thought the crew DID follow guidelines because only CREW are allowed to fly on the 'dumbseat'! I'm not trying to question your assessment, IS, but if I read the article or the previous posts correctly it said that they couldn't allow the pax the jumpseat because FAA requires only employees ride the seat!!!! <_< Maybe there was another fa or crew that may have felt comfortable in the dumbseat????


I said "dump" "seat" like, ahem...taking a.....nevermind.... :up:
Why the lawsuit? There is more leg room in the lav.
If provided a cocktail or two during the flight, I would be a happy camper. No annoying fat guy or screming kid sitting next to me. No waiting in line for the lav. Heck, you could even use the changing table as a foot rest or party platter! :up:
If provided a cocktail or two during the flight, I would be a happy camper. No annoying fat guy or screming kid sitting next to me. No waiting in line for the lav. Heck, you could even use the changing table as a foot rest or party platter! :up:
LOL :up: I think in this case, you'd have to make your own drink with available spirits.... now I know how those chips come in a Blue color.... How ironic it would be if the Captain had to use the Lav and 'Joe Stuck' refused to open the door. Captain calls 'Foul' panties if door not opened soon and it's Musical chairs again. F/A takes the Jumpseat, Capt'n takes the Dumpseat and who's left gets the Dumbseat???.... Joe Stuck Free Pass Rider who may soon be a rich dude. What a Cluster Pluck! 😛h34r:
I’m sorry. There is just too much to this story that doesn’t hold water. A flight attendant tells the captain that s/he is uncomfortable and the captain says “ah, tell the pass rider to have a seat in the blue room.â€
I don’t know enough about Jet Blue; however, after the days since 9/11, our pilots do not leave the cockpit for any other reason than to use the lavatory. Other than that the newly fortified cockpit door stays closed with the pilots inside.
So, the pilot leaves the cockpit to listen to a flight attendant whine, argue with a pass rider and ultimately see that he is comfortably seated in the lavatory? We don’t permit anybody in our cabin jump seats except flight attendants holding a valid ID for our airline only.
No crewmember would allow the pilot to get away with this “order,†as it would directly put there own jobs at risk. Last year a crewmember was in the lavatory during push back. The crew did not know she was on board the aircraft and assigned the jumpseat to another flight attendant. The Captain was advised of the circumstances and chose to continue to the runway. Since this incident the Flight Crew and All Flight Attendants including the “lavatory rider†have been terminated.
Before we start calling Jet Blue or any other airline names let’s wait until all the TRUE facts are uncovered.

Funny- You know Jetblue has those Tom Cruise Jet Pilots who try to be God! I've seen it before on jetblue when pass riding from another carrier. Maybe he was doing the F/A .... You are correct that they only come out of the cockpit for bathroom breaks. Did you ever think that a pilot could break the rules just to prove a point to the buddy pass guy just so his own crewmember is taken care of? It just doesn't work that way once the Flight is airborn. If this F/A didn't like the ideal of sitting on the jumpseat
before departure she should've have corrected it at the gate before departing. Jetblue should fire Both crew members for screwing up its new AD campaign
HAPPY SETTING.... The FAA should charge Jetblue for breaking FARS
From Letterman

10 Pilot's judgement was impaired from long day of drinking

9 Passenger never requested a non-lavatory seat

8 It wasn't just any toilet -- it was our exclusive "Admiral's Toilet"

7 That thar seat-countin' is hard

6 It was either there or the overhead compartment

5 If we didn't lock him in the bathroom, he probably would have complained about that!

4 Any publicity is good publicity, right?

3 We thought he was the Federal Toilet Marshall

2 C'mon, it's still better than Amtrak

1 Honestly, we assumed the plane would never take off
From Letterman

10 Pilot's judgement was impaired from long day of drinking

9 Passenger never requested a non-lavatory seat

8 It wasn't just any toilet -- it was our exclusive "Admiral's Toilet"

7 That thar seat-countin' is hard

6 It was either there or the overhead compartment

5 If we didn't lock him in the bathroom, he probably would have complained about that!

4 Any publicity is good publicity, right?

3 We thought he was the Federal Toilet Marshall

2 C'mon, it's still better than Amtrak

1 Honestly, we assumed the plane would never take off
My buddy was the captain of the flight this jerk is suing over. I talked to him
this morning and things did NOT go down as the moneygrubbing plaintiff claims.
At my friend's suggestion, the flight attendant gave up her cabin seat to get
this guy, who was on a buddy pass, on the plane. Afterwards my friend did
suggest the man allow her to sit in his seat for a little while while the
seatbelt sign was off, but never told him he had to sit in the lav. This guy
did that on his own after the flight attendant fell asleep in his seat. Now he
wants to sue Jetblue and my buddy is having to defend himself after he helped
this guy get on a full flight! Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.
My buddy was the captain of the flight this jerk is suing over. I talked to him
this morning and things did NOT go down as the moneygrubbing plaintiff claims.
At my friend's suggestion, the flight attendant gave up her cabin seat to get
this guy, who was on a buddy pass, on the plane. Afterwards my friend did
suggest the man allow her to sit in his seat for a little while while the
seatbelt sign was off, but never told him he had to sit in the lav. This guy
did that on his own after the flight attendant fell asleep in his seat. Now he
wants to sue Jetblue and my buddy is having to defend himself after he helped
this guy get on a full flight! Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.
Now that sounds more like what REALLY HAPPENED!!!

This guy should be happy he got a seat.. and even if he did have to pay for his Buddy Passes...at my Airline I have been
uses Buddy Passes A Lot and they are still SOOO Much cheaper than a last minute Ticket.

Altough I wasn't in the business then.. Remember when the Lav was a Way to get to Work !!!!!!
The bottom line is that $2 million is a 'tad' too much for an inconvenience.

Of course it's an outrageous sum of money. It was done for effect, I am certain, and it was successful. Had he written an angry letter and demanded meager compensation, he probably would not have gotten very far (since he WAS a buddy pass rider.)

Suing an airline for $2 million almost guarantees a headline, especially when it is attached to a bizarre story. The guy already got what he wanted, and I am certain his attorneys told him that pigs will fly the second coming will happen...it is highly unlikely he will see significant cash out of this deal.
To another poster: The people I know who get 'buddy passes' ride for free. If they are charged, then their buddy is making money. At a local AP pub hangout, I won't say what a B6 employee said she would trade a free buddy pass for. Get your head out of the gutter, because it wasn't that!
I assume this remark is directed to me.

Let me suggest that you haven't a clue about airline pass privileges. You are confusing employee pass benefits with guest or buddy passes. At most airlines, depending on seniority at some, employees and eligible dependents do travel free of charge. On the other hand, guests or buddies, pay service charges which in most cases are not significantly cheaper than deeply discounted advance purchase tickets. At the airline where I have a pass, a buddy pass costs $91.19 for a one way trip between SAN and JFK.
id have to say isnt it illlegal for an F/A to ride in the pax seat and throw the pax out of the seat on a full flt

This may be true if your standing at the gate and the agent assigns a seat to someone who is junior to you. Then you should be able to "Throw the pax out of the seat".

Most likely the F/A is fairly new and has to pay some kind of pass charge, so she took the jumpseat to avoid paying the charge.

Then when the aircraft was airborne she realized that another "pass" rider got a seat and she was stuck on the all nighter jumpseat.

She was probably in San Diego with the Captain of the flight.

Enroute she most likely called him on the interphone, "honey, I took care of your needs last night, how 'bout helping me out on this one. I'll make it worth your while when we get home" :lol: :up: :up:
I assume this remark is directed to me.

Let me suggest that you haven't a clue about airline pass privileges. You are confusing employee pass benefits with guest or buddy passes. At most airlines, depending on seniority at some, employees and eligible dependents do travel free of charge. On the other hand, guests or buddies, pay service charges which in most cases are not significantly cheaper than deeply discounted advance purchase tickets. At the airline where I have a pass, a buddy pass costs $91.19 for a one way trip between SAN and JFK.


You are correct. At most airlines buddy passes are passes that people can give to someone who isn't a dependent. There is usually a service charge associated with the pass itself and then on top of that the IRS REQUIRES that the airline collect taxes based on the value of the regular fare between the city pairs.

Your usually better off buying a ticket. May cost a little more, but a least you won't have to wonder if your going to get a seat or not.

The guy that bought this buddy pass made a good investment though, he'll probably get a little coin out of this one. :up:

The captain was probably thinking with with his wrong head :up:
My buddy was the captain of the flight this jerk is suing over. I talked to him
this morning and things did NOT go down as the moneygrubbing plaintiff claims.
At my friend's suggestion, the flight attendant gave up her cabin seat to get
this guy, who was on a buddy pass, on the plane. Afterwards my friend did
suggest the man allow her to sit in his seat for a little while while the
seatbelt sign was off, but never told him he had to sit in the lav. This guy
did that on his own after the flight attendant fell asleep in his seat. Now he
wants to sue Jetblue and my buddy is having to defend himself after he helped
this guy get on a full flight! Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished.
What did she want him to do, stand while she slept? F her, opps, maybe the capt did.. 🙄
usstew said:
Afterwards my friend did suggest the man allow her to sit in his seat for a little while while the
seatbelt sign was off, but never told him he had to sit in the lav. This guy
did that on his own after the flight attendant fell asleep in his seat.

The guy in question was a Turk, imagine if he was dark skinned and lurking in the cabin 'while the seatbelt sign was off' ? I'm sure that would have gone over well...hysterical flight attendants telling the guy to return to his seat, and the guy not having a seat to return to because the other FA was "asleep"?

Sleeping beauty should get clipped for "Falling Asleep" as soon as her royal buttocks hit the seat bottom, you don't take the JS and then decide "The jump seat is much too lumpy, I'm staying in this seat." and leave a non qualified JS rider standing around in the cabin.The seat belt sign being off doesn't excuse the behavior.Did you catch the article in the Continental forum about the Q400 that ran into clear air turbulence?
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