Tired of privatization?


Mar 20, 2008
Is anyone else tired of hearing about privatization? I am so tired of the conservatives trying to sell us on everything needing to be done by the private sector. Their premiss is that the government is bad and will waste money and the private sector is better and will earn profits. But this kind of tactic has been used for the past 7+ years and all that privatization has become corrupt. They want to fleece the American people instead of uncle sam. At least our tax dollars go to uncle sam we will get good jobs with benefits out of it, unlike if it is outsourced to private companyies who pay low wages with no benefits. It just sickens me how all the cronies try to poison everyone about government. At least with the government if things get corrupt we have oversight and can make changes. With everything going to corporate American there is no oversight. I wonder if I am the only one who sees this issue this way. Hear is an example of the kind of argument I am talking about.

Is anyone else tired of hearing about privatization? I am so tired of the conservatives trying to sell us on everything needing to be done by the private sector. Their premiss is that the government is bad and will waste money and the private sector is better and will earn profits. But this kind of tactic has been used for the past 7+ years and all that privatization has become corrupt. They want to fleece the American people instead of uncle sam. At least our tax dollars go to uncle sam we will get good jobs with benefits out of it, unlike if it is outsourced to private companyies who pay low wages with no benefits. It just sickens me how all the cronies try to poison everyone about government. At least with the government if things get corrupt we have oversight and can make changes. With everything going to corporate American there is no oversight. I wonder if I am the only one who sees this issue this way. Hear is an example of the kind of argument I am talking about.



WELL ..cooper43, ..with all due RESPECT,.......what else should we expect from a political party, who..with EVERY fabric of their being,........believes in CAPITALISM.

Make that..CAPITALISM........."AT.....ANY.....COST"

I now have to make them...#3 on the MOST DANGEROUS LIST, in america.

#1...(By a HUGE Margin is).....RELIGIOUS FANATICS :shock: :shock: :shock:
#2........................................BLIND PATRIOTS :shock: :shock:
(and NEW #3)
#3........................................CAPITALISTS......At Absolutely.."ANY COST" :shock:

:down: :down: :down:
Privatization is part of the "free trade" agenda. So called free trade which also includes deregulation and reduction in social spending, removing of import tariffs. The big lie is that this will create wealth for all. In reality it makes the rich and powerful richer and more powerful. They piss on us and call it trickle down.
Privatization has been used in the third world to take over natural resources and utilities. The IMF and the World Bank use what is called the Washington Consensus as a condition for lending money to third world countries. Of course this money is filtered in through banks controlled by the local ruling elite and the people get "trickled" on.
The Washington consensus includes "free trade" policies and is as follows:
Privatization of state enterprises (to U.S and other multinational corporations).
Fiscal policy discipline.
Redirection of public spending from subsidies toward broad-based provision of key pro-growth (also includes the elimination of pensions and union busting).
Tax reform.
Interest rates that are market determined.
Competitive exchange rates (currency devaluation).
Trade liberalization – liberalization of imports and reduction or removal of import tariffs.
Liberalization of inward foreign direct investment (contracts foriegn companies instead of local companies).
Legal security for property rights.
The "free traders" have been running rough shod through out the third world, and Russia and now they have their sights on the biggest cash cow: the good ole' U.S.A.
This country has been deindustrialized intentionally, the currency is being devalued intentionally. The only real tangible asset that could be owned by the average american (real estate) is on the verge of collapse along with the rest of the economy. Sadly I believe the worst is yet to come.
In Bolivia IMF privatization policies (where even rain water was privatized) led to riots and blood shed.
Water privatization in Bolivia
Is anyone else tired of hearing about privatization? I am so tired of the conservatives trying to sell us on everything needing to be done by the private sector. Their premiss is that the government is bad and will waste money and the private sector is better and will earn profits. But this kind of tactic has been used for the past 7+ years and all that privatization has become corrupt. They want to fleece the American people instead of uncle sam. At least our tax dollars go to uncle sam we will get good jobs with benefits out of it, unlike if it is outsourced to private companyies who pay low wages with no benefits. It just sickens me how all the cronies try to poison everyone about government. At least with the government if things get corrupt we have oversight and can make changes. With everything going to corporate American there is no oversight. I wonder if I am the only one who sees this issue this way. Hear is an example of the kind of argument I am talking about.


It's been going on longer than you think. I used to work with a guy who was in the Air Force back in the early and mid ninety's. One day they were told that Lockheed would be taking over the work they did. They had the option of staying in the USAF and being transferred or getting out and working for Lockheed. He got out and went to work for LMT for a while, for more money I might add.

There are instances when it makes sense to have a private contractor do a job that in the past would have been done by government employees. When I was in the Navy private contractors were used to maintain certain aircraft in the Navy inventory. The Navy used General Dynamic’s employees to maintain its small fleet of F-16N aircraft. Why, because since there were such a small number it was more economical to have them do it. Even today the Navy does this with their fleet of T-45 trainer aircraft.

I know one area where it wouldn’t hurt to try privatization. The ATC system is a poster child for. The FAA has been trying to update the ATC system for the past thirty years and have totally botched it. At this point what could it hurt.
Is this the same privatization that resulted in an American soldier being electrocuted in Iraq while trying to take a shower? It seems the Sarge in his company reported the problem a year ago. KBR, the contractor who built the showers, took no action and is now trying to claim they were never notified of any problem.

KBR = Kellogg Brown&Root = subsidiary of Halliburton Corp. = formerly led by (and huge amounts of stock currently held in trust for) V-P Dick Cheney. What a coincidence! :shock:
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So why are so many Americans being sold this bill of goods that deregulation and privatization are the best thing for us. It is all tied together. When did all this start to unravel and corporate America become so powerful that we have lost control or power to them. And what can we do about it? I believe it began with the rise in cable news and its control by the likes of mega media moguls . We need to restrict the amount of media one company or person can control. It is a powerful tool. The combination of spending less on education, so people are not as educated and are not taught to think critically, and then brain washing mega media that tell people what to think instead of giving them the facts and letting them come to thier own opinions. Maybe I am wrong but I think that is where all this started spiraling out of control.
So why are so many Americans being sold this bill of goods that deregulation and privatization are the best thing for us. It is all tied together. When did all this start to unravel and corporate America become so powerful that we have lost control or power to them. And what can we do about it? I believe it began with the rise in cable news and its control by the likes of mega media moguls . We need to restrict the amount of media one company or person can control. It is a powerful tool. The combination of spending less on education, so people are not as educated and are not taught to think critically, and then brain washing mega media that tell people what to think instead of giving them the facts and letting them come to thier own opinions. Maybe I am wrong but I think that is where all this started spiraling out of control.

It began when the capitalists took over the education system. They dumbed down the masses to create good little brain dead workers. Followers, not leaders. The children of the ruling elite receive a completely different education than the children of the great unwashed.
John Taylor Gatto
Actually it started with Reagan's tearing-down-of-the-wall, and Clinton's NAFTA. Please give credit where credit is due. Blaming 'Capialism' is like blaming the 'American Dream' :eek:

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Yes, the truth be told...It's the FAULT of those WE oppose! After all, WE not THEM are right in our beliefs :lol: :lol: :lol:

Privatization and outsourcing were started long ago but most were blind to it. Temp services were a form of outsourcing.

The global market makes it easy to privatize and outsource. At first from another country, to make it look like jobs are going overseas. Then by bringing that country to the USA to increase workload and productivity.

...just ramblings :shock:
Privatization and outsourcing were started long ago but most were blind to it. Temp services were a form of outsourcing.
So THAT was the problem with the Vega...GM hired a bunch of Kelly Girls to build them.
Actually it started with Reagan's tearing-down-of-the-wall, and Clinton's NAFTA. Please give credit where credit is due. Blaming 'Capialism' is like blaming the 'American Dream' :eek:

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Yes, the truth be told...It's the FAULT of those WE oppose! After all, WE not THEM are right in our beliefs :lol: :lol: :lol:

Privatization and outsourcing were started long ago but most were blind to it. Temp services were a form of outsourcing.

The global market makes it easy to privatize and outsource. At first from another country, to make it look like jobs are going overseas. Then by bringing that country to the USA to increase workload and productivity.

...just ramblings :shock:
I know Reagan was OLD, but he wasn't THAT old. Like I said, it goes back to the robber barons of the gilded age. Read what John Taylor Gatto has to say and it will become clear.
Capitalism the american dream? SINCE WHEN? The capitalists have sold you a bill of goods, for unless you own capital, you are not a capitalists. I don't believe the word capitalism is found in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, or even in the Articles of Confederation.
The modern American dream was a creation of the bankers to get everyone in debt. The REAL American dream is summed up best by Jefferson:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
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I know Reagan was OLD, but he wasn't THAT old. Like I said, it goes back to the robber barons of the gilded age. Read what John Taylor Gatto has to say and it will become clear.
Capitalism the american dream? SINCE WHEN? The capitalists have sold you a bill of goods, for unless you own capital, you are not a capitalists. I don't believe the word capitalism is found in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, or even in the Articles of Confederation.
The modern American dream was a creation of the bankers to get everyone in debt. The REAL American dream is summed up best by Jefferson:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

So true, if only we had a media outlet that would remind people of our power and rights. At the moment we are voluntarily (i do not claim to be a very good speller) giving up our power and rights.
I don't believe the word capitalism is found in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, or even in the Articles of Confederation.
The modern American dream was a creation of the bankers to get everyone in debt. The REAL American dream is summed up best by Jefferson:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Despite what I see as minor flaws with our system, I am quite satisfied with my pursuit of happiness. By no means has our system (the system of the people), in my opinion, reached a level even close to requiring the people to abolish it.
Well its settled! Since the Gilded Lilly is happy then all is well. After all its about the Gilded Lilly. :lol:
A system of "the people?" Since the capitalists and their lackeys in the judicial system have deemed that the corporation is a "person," through the usurpation of the 14th Ammendment; then I suppose it is a government of "the people" :down:
But you know all this. Your aim is to deceive.

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