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Time to Lawyer Up

delldude said:
Word I got was Hillary has a pretty good chance of beating out most on the GOP ticket unless voter outrage comes back like 2012 and 2014. However, she is becoming a toxic asset to the DNC very quickly. She already is losing big endorsements from several unions, cash donors are defecting or holding out, Obama camp,ie, Val Jarrett is behind leaks and just the other day oBama dissed her over her comments on the UN trip but tried to butter it saying she was his SOS. Now shes back in the Arkansas vast right wing conspiracy mode when its more and more consequences caused by her own doing.
You can say the Benghazi issue is politically motivated.....true to a degree, but in all honesty, if the tables were reversed, the dems would be off and running too. The server issue, which she totally owns, you're going to find, ties Benghazi with her and oBama authorizing  a secret buyback program trying to get a huge stash of Stinger missiles back that we lost control of during their venture into Libya and a sideshow arming the AQ/Syrian rebels.
And I got a pretty good idea there are emails revealing influence peddling as SOS to different countries for Clinton Foundation donations......not to mention the mishandling of classified material.
Al in all, shes probably going to have legal issues before the election. DNC is totally aware of whats going on. DNC isn't going to invest in a loser very long.
Joe Biden?  Biden runs, GOP takes the White House.  I don't see DNC backing Sanders.....in fact I expect a take out campaign just over the horizon.
If Joe B. was facing Romney (minus romneys 47%  BS), I give it to you that MITTens would have beat JB.
BUT...  W-T-F ?   The REPLUGS do NOT have ANYONE in this go-around that could carry MITT's Jock Strap   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bottom line, J B...beats ANYONE from the CLOWN CAR.
The only possible exception to my theory above, IS ......  I F .......T-Rump 'stays the course' and gets the nomination,...AND the 50.1% of the voters that VOTE in Nov. ........become VOID of Critical Thinking  !
There is NOT  ONE  G D  REPUG in the running, that gives a shite about a TRUE Middle Class America, with   ' M A Y B E '....the exception of ...T-Rump !
Glenn Quagmire said:
You sound very sure of that statement. As sure as you were on the last 2 elections...and some of the other predictions you have made. How is president Cain and the 999 plan working for you?
All of them are one bad decision from facing jail time.
Go ahead, duck and dodge the fact Hitlery's in deep sh!t right now!
townpete said:
southwind said:
Go ahead, duck and dodge the fact Hitlery's in deep sh!t right now!
One of the(many) great things of being a NY Yankee fan(like myself), was (from 95' - 14' ), was when the starting pitcher couldn't go the distance, you'd see the door to the bull - pen  open, and out would trot (instant Hall-of-Famer) Mariano Rivera.
Politics (for Dems. in 16')
Watching Joe Biden 'getting up to stretch', would be a real comforting feeling  !!
(Compared to 'your side' of (hypothetically) seeing the likes of  MIKE HUCKELBERRY / Bobby Jindal / or George Pataki starting to 'warm - up' ) !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
One of the(many) great things of being a NY Yankee fan(like myself), was (from 95' - 14' ), was when the starting pitcher couldn't go the distance, you'd see the door to the bull - pen  open, and out would trot (instant Hall-of-Famer) Mariano Rivera.
Politics (for Dems. in 16')
Watching Joe Biden 'getting up to stretch', would be a real comforting feeling  !!
(Compared to 'your side' of (hypothetically) seeing the likes of  MIKE HUCKELBERRY / Bobby Jindal / or George Pataki starting to 'warm - up' ) !
Bear...I detect an air of submission to the ever mounting facts that HC is in deep trouble.
Is this what its come to?
Judge Napolitano said today that there are not 3 classified emails but 400, including satellite intel from foreign intel sources.
He said he's seen  these himself.
Plus the fact she has lied quite a few times.
She should keep her mouth shut and listen to Lanny.
Napolitano also said the Director of the FBI is getting daily briefings on this investigation, which he claimed is highly unusual.
And who does the Director answer to???
Tells me DNC is getting briefings too.
Watch the Biden campaign.....for insight into the investigation.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
One of the(many) great things of being a NY Yankee fan(like myself), was (from 95' - 14' ), was when the starting pitcher couldn't go the distance, you'd see the door to the bull - pen  open, and out would trot (instant Hall-of-Famer) Mariano Rivera.
Politics (for Dems. in 16')
Watching Joe Biden 'getting up to stretch', would be a real comforting feeling  !!
(Compared to 'your side' of (hypothetically) seeing the likes of  MIKE HUCKELBERRY / Bobby Jindal / or George Pataki starting to 'warm - up' ) !
these are going to be fun to pull up next November along with your Hillary predictions over the past few years, the fact is you're all in on this to look like the board duma$$  of all time if you're not right. For the most part the only ones you mention on your rants don't bump the ratings needle.
cltrat said:
these are going to be fun to pull up next November along with your Hillary predictions over the past few years, the fact is you're all in on this to look like the board duma$$  of all time if you're not right. For the most part the only ones you mention on your rants don't bump the ratings needle.
NOBODY......on this board.....is Faster with an.............. " I Was WRONG "  (should the need be),  Than ME.
But don't take my word for it, just ask dell   or  eolesen !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
NOBODY......on this board.....is Faster with an.............. " I Was WRONG "  (should the need be),  Than ME.
But don't take my word for it, just ask dell   or  eolesen !
Being that your ALWAYS wrong, admitting it doesn't change the fact!
southwind said:
Being that your ALWAYS wrong, admitting it doesn't change the fact!
I've FORGOTTEN more things than you will EVER KNOW   :wacko: ! !
(It's just that  ......."Educated above the Mason/Dixon Line"....thing )  !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I've FORGOTTEN more things than you will EVER KNOW   :wacko: ! !
(It's just that  ......."Educated above the Mason/Dixon Line"....thing )  !!
There 'ya go!

Go ahead, say it!

Your wrong AGAIN!
Dog Wonder said:
You were educated above the Mason-Dixon Line?
Take it your a bigot too? Already know your a racist with your anti-Carson rhetoric!

In fact, anyone who doesn't agree with Carson's policies is a racist!