It is really very obvious that both sides of this situation have made up their minds, pretty much posted (ad infinitum and repeatedly) their rationales, and no one is going to be swayed one way or another for now. At this point, no one really has anything new to say, so why not let's all just cool it for a few days?
After the Executive Council of ALPA meets on Monday, let the floodgates open wide because then there might (probably will) be a lot more to fight, argue and get pissed about.
Can we at least agree on a " truce" until Monday after the dramatic meeting in Herndon?
(Maybe they'll decide to have a winner-take-all predicated on the outcome of a duel by sword between USA320pilot and AWA320.
After the Executive Council of ALPA meets on Monday, let the floodgates open wide because then there might (probably will) be a lot more to fight, argue and get pissed about.
Can we at least agree on a " truce" until Monday after the dramatic meeting in Herndon?
(Maybe they'll decide to have a winner-take-all predicated on the outcome of a duel by sword between USA320pilot and AWA320.