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Ticketing Question

On 8/25/2002 3:47:22 PM

Ok...... listen up folks .....you have some of this a-s-s backwards.......I do not have the policy or the bulletin right smackdab in front of me..but,..what I recall it said up to 2 nonref can be exchgd for an unrest.ticket without waiver.,,that much I know 100pct for certain ..and the new tkt follows the vol change rules of the new fare ..what I am only 99.9 pct sure of is that the entire new tkt is also non ref, not just the orig tkt value .that is how I remember reading the bulletin in JULY and thats how it was during waiver days..If as implied above by someone it were part non ref and part ref, this would cause mayhem in acctg, so thats why I am 99.9 pct sure entire new tkt is non-rfndble..

Not correct. The new ticket follows the most restrictive fare rules. If any of the fares are non-refundable, then the ticket is non-refundable regardless of the fare basis. I'll give an example...

If the new tickets segments are refundable, the ticket is refunded, less the non-refundable ticket, plus the S/C. If any part of the new ticket is non-refundable, this rule and change fee's apply.


The B8US is non-refundable, and a change to the refundable incurs a change fee.


Dino ATO
Thanks for all the info!! I guess I got my basic question answered. I'll let our travel office sort through all the rules and restrictions. [😉]
On 8/25/2002 4:33:43 PM

On 8/25/2002 3:47:22 PM

Ok...... listen up folks .....you have some of this a-s-s backwards.......I do not have the policy or the bulletin right smackdab in front of me..but,..what I recall it said up to 2 nonref can be exchgd for an unrest.ticket without waiver.,,that much I know 100pct for certain ..and the new tkt follows the vol change rules of the new fare ..what I am only 99.9 pct sure of is that the entire new tkt is also non ref, not just the orig tkt value .that is how I remember reading the bulletin in JULY and thats how it was during waiver days..If as implied above by someone it were part non ref and part ref, this would cause mayhem in acctg, so thats why I am 99.9 pct sure entire new tkt is non-rfndble..

Not correct. The new ticket follows the most restrictive fare rules. If any of the fares are non-refundable, then the ticket is non-refundable regardless of the fare basis. I'll give an example...

If the new tickets segments are refundable, the ticket is refunded, less the non-refundable ticket, plus the S/C. If any part of the new ticket is non-refundable, this rule and change fee's apply.


The B8US is non-refundable, and a change to the refundable incurs a change fee.


Dino ATO

your example is confusing, sorry I dont think I follow it, ....you cannot tell which ticket or part thereof you are talking about when you say non ref vs ref...

Example 1..1st unused ticket 300.00 rt ve71nr...new tkt 800 rt B8us or ba3us take ur pick..the 800 new tkt follow b8us/ba3us vol chg rules..but the entire 800 remains non ref......

Example 2- 1st unused tkt 300 ve71nr..new tkt 550 Ke14NR/b8us....the new tkt follows chg fees of the most restrictive of the 2 no matter whichh leg u change..i.e. 100 fee..the entire new ticket remains non refndble even the b8us part as that fare cannot stand alone on the ticket..this one is fact..ask the rates desk if in doubt.

It doesnt matter whether the new tkt is a combo of unrestricted and restricted or just plain unrestricted, new ticket remains in its entirety NON REF,,this was the part I said above w/ 99.9 pct certainty..

hope this clarifies my examples.
Correct PITRESCSD....all nonrefundable period...no pnlty on new fare basis b8us.....

I work on these types of reissues daily, have to know the rules.
Arrrrgggghhhh! You just went past your 4 minutes trying to figure it out and the Prefered line is now out the door!
Someone give us some help soon on these stupid rules. I understand we are working on changing the system, but its gotta come soon. Amazing we are able to get anything done with the rules the way they are. And dont even think about hitting the wrong key in the middle of a reissue or you get to start ALL OVER AGAIN ! [:bigsmile:] [😛]
Someone give us some help soon on these stupid rules. I understand we are working on changing the system, but its gotta come soon. Amazing we are able to get anything done with the rules the way they are. And dont even think about hitting the wrong key in the middle of a reissue or you get to start ALL OVER AGAIN !

Well, it's this way with the non-rfdl to rfdl ticket. If a pax is using a VE71NR fare towards a B8US fare, the amount of the ticket is deducted from the new fare, the $100 fee assessed and the reissued ticket becomes totally non-refundable. The only thing remaining from the B8US fare is the ability to change again with no change fee. The new reissued ticket takes the non-refundability of the restricted ticket.
On 8/25/2002 8:49:47 PM

Arrrrgggghhhh! You just went past your 4 minutes trying to figure it out and the Prefered line is now out the door!


best laugh of the day![🙂]
Correct PITRESCSD>....all nonrefundable period...no pnlty on new fare basis b8us.....
On 8/24/2002 9:35:12 PM

one more thing to remember...a nonref tkt can only be used against another nonref tkt....u cant reissue them towards a full coach class fare...which are refundable.....

You do by now acknowledge this statement from early on as incorrect, right?
On 8/25/2002 9:53:08 PM


I work on these types of reissues daily, have to know the rules.[/quote]

----------------As do I, and the correct answer I detailed above was the same, though I used a more detailed explanation..2 or 3 folks near the top did not have the policy correct at all.
Just contact General Reservations any agent (except Lilninj) will be able to read you the policy word for word right from the computer!!
*sigh* I wish I could call the US1 desk to take care of things. However, US cannot (or will not, depending on who you talk to) use our corporate goldfile number, so I have to take care of things through our travel office. I figured I'd ask here rather than having them put me on hold for 20 mins while they called US to find out for me. [😉]