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Thumbs up to US despite SFO woes


Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
SFO/OAK Bay Area
With all the negativity going around (some of it mine), I want to today focus on the positive - why I fly US Airways.

I was booked in First on US 136, the 8 a.m. SFO-PHL A321 flight this morning - and what greeted me at the check-in counter was "CANCELLED." Apparently the aircraft had some maintenance/turnaround issues (maybe someone in the know can specify what happened exactly) and the check-in crew were working quickly to rebook the *completely full* flight, which included some misconnects from the previous day!

All the afternoon flights were full, and obviously I was going to miss my connection to Orlando. So Gary, at the First Class check-in counter, punched away at SABRE and then called up United to rebook me in the *very last available seat* on the one and only non-stop SFO-MCO flight, this afternoon - in the United First cabin.

So as I sit at SFO waiting for my flight, I want to say: Thanks, Gary, and by association, the whole US Airways CSR crew at SFO. You all had a tough job to do, and from what I saw and heard from other passengers, you did it right and you did it well. I'll be at work on time, and that's what matters. :up:
The SFO, LAX, and SAN people are great. They have helped me out a few times in difficult situations--some of them caused by UA.

By the way, enjoy UA transcon FC--it's really nice.
With all the negativity going around (some of it mine), I want to today focus on the positive - why I fly US Airways.

I was booked in First on US 136, the 8 a.m. SFO-PHL A321 flight this morning - and what greeted me at the check-in counter was "CANCELLED." Apparently the aircraft had some maintenance/turnaround issues (maybe someone in the know can specify what happened exactly) and the check-in crew were working quickly to rebook the *completely full* flight, which included some misconnects from the previous day!

All the afternoon flights were full, and obviously I was going to miss my connection to Orlando. So Gary, at the First Class check-in counter, punched away at SABRE and then called up United to rebook me in the *very last available seat* on the one and only non-stop SFO-MCO flight, this afternoon - in the United First cabin.

So as I sit at SFO waiting for my flight, I want to say: Thanks, Gary, and by association, the whole US Airways CSR crew at SFO. You all had a tough job to do, and from what I saw and heard from other passengers, you did it right and you did it well. I'll be at work on time, and that's what matters. :up:
Great to hear. And I hope you have submitted your praise to the company also. Please do......it sure makes an employees day when these things are noticed.
I was wondering what happened to 136 this morning. It's upflight was flight 43 which had no problems and arrived on time last night, although the reason they cancelled it this morning was because of maintenance.