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This Says It All! "how To Bust A Union!"

Nightwatch said:




For someone who claims to be a strong union man, you sure are eager to bend over!
Buck said:
For someone who claims to be a strong union man, you sure are eager to bend over!

He kinda reminds me of M.E. Johnson
Nightwatch said:
Welcome to the TWU? Welcome to a workforce that heard of unionism, but never practiced it.

Was EAL merged or bought out?

What difference should that make? Are you saying that we should allow management to make the decisions on how unionists treat each other? That we should allow the scenarios orchestrated by management determine our fate and reward us for giving concessions?

Comparing TWA w/ EAL is up to speed for you I guess.

Why not compare the two, are you somehow better than the EAL guys because you gave 20 years of concessions and helped drag down wages while they said no way, shut it down and started again somewhere else? I can see why the companies would want to see "fighting machinists" such as yourself rewarded, especially if at the same time you got to screw the EAL guys.

I walked picket at MCI w/ EAL for months, did you? I helped organize the pickets and set up times for volunteers, did you? Were our scenerios the same, no, but you go right ahead and compare the two.

Well so far I''ve yet to find anyone from EAL who can verify your claim. No one recalls anyone that went by the name of "I" or "Nightwatch" doing any of the things you claim. Did you do all this on your own time?

Or were you getting compensated for it?

Were those EAL guys in your local? We know they were in your union. As a TWU member we were told that "Its not our fight". So my support was pretty much limited to blowing my horn and giving them the thumbs up.

The fact is though that I have supported and defended those from EAL for many years here at AA. I've often told them that I admired and was thankful for the sacrifices they made. So while you may have done your duty as an IAM member/official, who knows, once that was done what did you do for your fellow IAM Brothers and Sisters? Did you push to grant them full seniority at TWA? Or did they simply go right to the bottom? What do you think they would appreciate more, their seniority or your presence on their picket line?
I walked picket at MCI w/ EAL for months, did you? I helped organize the pickets and set up times for volunteers, did you? Were our scenerios the same, no, but you go right ahead and compare the two.

Well so far I''ve yet to find anyone from EAL who can verify your claim. No one recalls anyone that went by the name of "I" or "Nightwatch" doing any of the things you claim. Did you do all this on your own time?

Nightwatch was there walking a picket line. Just ask cio or james t. kirk. What a laugh. nw walk a picket line. Never in a million years! Maybe with a bag on his head like the Unknown Comic. 😛h34r: How could someone hiding behind an alias be taken serious when all they do is lie? nw, the Unknown Mechanic! 😛h34r:
How could someone hiding behind an alias be taken serious

Don't care, but you may hurt Stewart's feelings talking that smack, or do you call him Decision 2004 in bed?
Nightwatch said:
How could someone hiding behind an alias be taken serious

Don't care, but you may hurt Stewart's feelings talking that smack, or do you call him Decision 2004 in bed?

Well once again we see where a TWU supporter asks questions, is answered but then refuses to reply to questions posed to him.

You are well suited for the TWU.
Nightwatch said:
How could someone hiding behind an alias be taken serious

Don't care, but you may hurt Stewart's feelings talking that smack, or do you call him Decision 2004 in bed?

Coward, nw, Dave's feelings are not hurt because I am not talking smack. I am talking reality here. Your comment above is proof positive of your slipping grasp on reality. Perhaps you should retire and allow those willing to fight to protect our proud profession to do so.
Everyone here knows Dave's identity. Unlike yourself who must remain in the shadows. I still doubt you ever walked a picket line that would allow you to wear your Unknown Mechanic paper bag over your head. 😛h34r: