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This is why we have the death penalty

How about the theft of public property from the White House, fraud through the Clinton Foundation, and deleting e-mails to impede a federal investigation for starters.


What does ANY of that have to do with the question I asked you?

I will repeat the very specific very direct question I asked you.

Why should decades of my tax dollars go toward providing food, clothing, and medical care toward a sex trafficking child murderer?


So in other words you have no valid reason whatsoever.

That seems to be a running theme with you.

No, that's because it only happened in your mind.
There is no debating you or most of the Trump supporters here.

Expound on this lunacy:
Why should decades of my tax dollars go toward providing food, clothing, and medical care toward a sex trafficking child murderer?

I would like to know as much as most of the others here.
No, that's because it only happened in your mind.

So you are denying the Clinton's theft of public property from the White House, fraud through the Clinton Foundation, and deleting e-mails to impede a federal investigation?

Expound on this lunacy:
Why should decades of my tax dollars go toward providing food, clothing, and medical care toward a sex trafficking child murderer?

I would like to know as much as most of the others here.
I thought I made myself very clear.

Are you too stupid to comprehend a simple statement?
So you are denying the Clinton's theft of public property from the White House, fraud through the Clinton Foundation, and deleting e-mails to impede a federal investigation?

I thought I made myself very clear.

Are you too stupid to comprehend a simple statement?

I understand that you don't have a clue other than what FOX feeds you.

When/if allegations and/prosecution proceedings commence I will accept it.

What you say, not so much, like never.

My only angst in voting for Trump is that I am lumped in with people like you.

Maybe it's just me but I think, as a human being, you suck.

Putting your ignorant a$$ on ignore as you are hopeless.
Please do so.
Its just a symptom of the leftist elitists that you'll never be as worldy and intellectual as they are. Its the only constant in the libtard party; "We are the party of inclusion and tolerance, just do not disagree with our failed concepts, or your a woman hating racist homophobe in the basket of deplorables, and therefore a Hillbilley". Now you understand why a civil war is probably on the horizon unfortunately. The USA death penalty will be the presidentcy of Hildabeast and her DNC Storm Troopers turning us into a Venezuela failed state.
Its just a symptom of the leftist elitists that you'll never be as worldy and intellectual as they are. Its the only constant in the libtard party; "We are the party of inclusion and tolerance, just do not disagree with our failed concepts, or your a woman hating racist homophobe in the basket of deplorables, and therefore a Hillbilley". Now you understand why a civil war is probably on the horizon unfortunately. The USA death penalty will be the presidentcy of Hildabeast and her DNC Storm Troopers turning us into a Venezuela failed state.

But you are 360 degrees incorrect.
That's OK because your news feed didn't tell you what to think.😱
I am a registered Independent and conservative.
I voted for Trump because he is a better candidate than Hillery, for this nation.
Dickheads like you, LA LA, etc...
Embarrass me as people lump my values into yours and assume I am a clone.
Your only project hate, and if Trump looses, it's because the message 'YOU' HillBillies send.
That's OK, I know this concept is over your head.
Now here is something you can quote me on. We need to start using the death penalty in this country to punish heinous crimes instead of burdening the tax payers with the cost of decades of incarceration.

Why should decades of my tax dollars go toward providing food, clothing, and medical care toward a sex trafficking child murderer?

When you have a good answer for that let me know.

I have yet to see an answer.

I guess as usual the left has nothing.
Dickheads like you, LA LA, etc...
Embarrass me as people lump my values into yours and assume I am a clone.

We embarrass you because other people lump your values into ours and assume you are a clone.........

Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

Why are you so concerned with what other people think about you anyway? Does your low self esteem require other people to validate you? Try being your own man and standing on your own two feet.
A fine example of the libtard "progressive intellect" I hear so much about.
Dickheads like you, LA LA, etc...
Embarrass me as people lump my values into yours and assume I am a clone.

xUT made a fool out of himself and you are making a fool out of yourself defending it.

Your only project hate, and if Trump looses, it's because the message 'YOU' HillBillies send.
That's OK, I know this concept is over your head.
Trump won because people are tired of liberals using political correctness and bullying tactics to censor them while liberals attack American culture, ethics and values. Maybe that concept is over YOUR head.

Now go be a good little libtard and burn/stand on the American flag, kneel during the anthem, riot and destroy your community, and threaten to leave for Canada because Trump won (no libtard threatens to move to Mexico).

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