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This Can't Be Usairway's

His hair clashes with our elegant livery. Well, I guess he could stand in front of the silver no-brainer one.

I hate to poke fun at everything they come up with. At least they're trying. I just dont feel like whoever comes up with these wacky ads has ever flown the airline and seen what its about.
Light Years,

I think you've got it, old bean! It *is* a no-brainer. Have you seen the new napkins? Tacky, tacky, tacky.

BTW, I like the Tina Turner idea. I hereby nominate Light Years as Vice President of Advertizing and appoint myself as USaviation.com US Airways Den Mother.

:up: :lol:

The print ad with the guy in the three-piece suit, safety vest and night wands was a better candidate for a mascot.

You (collectively) could superimpose everyday people into US Airways jobs with the idea that US Airways "flies US where we want to go".

Now, advertising majors everywhere are gonna try and steal my cool idea. Go ahead, you pack of hyenas! I'm declaring my idea "public domain" right here and now, so you losers can't collect a penny on it. Use it all you want.

Actually, maybe it might help......
Dea Certe said:
Light Years,

I think you've got it, old bean! It *is* a no-brainer. Have you seen the new napkins? Tacky, tacky, tacky.

BTW, I like the Tina Turner idea. I hereby nominate Light Years as Vice President of Advertizing and appoint myself as USaviation.com US Airways Den Mother.

:up: :lol:

Dea, I like that idea!!!! :up:

New napkins? I've been non-revving a good bit lately but havent noticed new napkins. I shudder to think what they might be. Reusable, perhaps? Or maybe they have a picture of the fortune teller driving a Hummer with a funny hat on to increase awareness of GoFares. That koooky airline! 🙄

PAWOBS- I know the exact ad you're referring to, its a businessman, in suit, kind of George Kostanza looking, in a reflector vest holding the wands like he's waving in the planes. He's surrounded by *shock* US Airways planes! The point of it is something like, dont worry, we have more flights from Philly to every business destination etc. Almost the same idea as the clever "Time Flies- it doesnt take the train" and "Dont Run. We Have hourly flights to New York" ads for the Shuttle. It appeals to the road warriors, the cockroaches, the underappreciated business traveler. He would have been a good central theme. But I guess we're trying to get 12 year old skateboarders to fly instead?!?

Prince, I really like your idea. I think you should outline it and send it in.
LT: Dea is right. Our new napkins are very, very, very tacky. White with big black lettering printed in the middle offering $30 off on your next booking. Go to www.usairways.com. Our old napkins can still be bought at Big Lots. :lol:
Light Years said:
His hair clashes with our elegant livery. Well, I guess he could stand in front of the silver no-brainer one.

I hate to poke fun at everything they come up with. At least they're trying. I just dont feel like whoever comes up with these wacky ads has ever flown the airline and seen what its about.
I like Lufthansa yellow... U should play off of that.

Looks like "Seth" is going to be in my 'hood on Friday night.... to bad I'll be on a U flight to MSY. A-M is hip and young on Friday night: interesting angle for U.

Did I miss it? Is there significance to the name "Seth?"

Finally, I think that 'corporate image' doesn't really count for much these days. Being too careful with it seems kind of... well, silly-ish. It's the beginning of 'stodgy.' Hey, it's the 21st century. Are we post-post-modern yet?
Many years ago, there were books published by Jane Roberts, who wrote a few books on "Seth Speaks", "The Coming of Seth". This was an "entity" who spoke through a medium, that being Jane. Wild reading.

There is also Seth from the Bible.

Then again...there was Seth Scohfield.

:huh: 🙄 :unsure:
Light Years,

If I do outline a proposal, I'm gonna do it right here and let marketing pick up the ball and run with it. Two reasons: First, the last thing we need to be doing is paying someone else millions of dollars for advertising ideas when we can do it in-house. I'm willing to forego monetary compensation for an idea in exchange for keeping jobs, assuming I'm an employee. Second, I wouldn't want the ethics police to get the wrong idea and think an employee might be posting opinions on a public board. If they are smart, they might consider the conflict inside the US ethics manual that says that you shouldn't identify employment with US on a public board, and yet later states that any ideas or processes an employee comes up with are the intellectual property of US. I think I picked that little booklet up from a garbage can in CLT. Neat reading, if you are REALLY bored.

So, if anyone wants to see my ideas, and use them for FREE (are you reading this, Marketing Department?) say so and I'll start posting in a new thread.
10,000 Krispy Kreme donuts, 20,000 boxes of mints, 50,000 luggage tags, and thousands of meals, hot dogs, ice cream bars, hats and T-shirts.

How about sending The Go team to Reservations with some new head sets. Seems we can't get new ones. But we can supply the DC area with donuts??? Something just isnt right?????
mweiss said:
Joke all you want, but the Seth campaign is aimed squarely at the heart of the target demographic for GoFares. It's a shrewd move (and one that's only about three years too late 🙄 ).
You are right on all assessments. Spot on.

At long last, have they finally turned all the energy toward employee and company destruction toward the goal of customer advertising??

No. Beetings and furloughs will increase till morale improves.
How about advertising BOS PIT fares that are reasonable instead of screwing them any longer Gee I have an idea GO FARES in PIT ….

OMG it would never happen I know people that drive from BOS 4 times a year just because of the fares………
Seth looks like an American Idol reject (I wonder what Simon would think of our ad campaign?) I wonder if MTV is looking for new recruits for "Jackass." At any rate, if they ask me to stand next to the plane in a cow suit with a sign that says "Eat more Chikin" to promote in-flight meals, I want a disclaimer that says I do NOT have mad cow disease! 😀