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This Can't Be Usairway's

😱 So our new mascot is a guy with yellow hair named Seth? Hmmm... named after Schofield maybe?

At least its marketing. My vote still goes to Tina Turner though. 🙂
Advertising campaign or freak show? Handing out vouchers for free tatoos?
Looks like Seth made an easy transition from Frat House to Crystal City. What's next food fights and toga parties?
Joke all you want, but the Seth campaign is aimed squarely at the heart of the target demographic for GoFares. It's a shrewd move (and one that's only about three years too late 🙄 ).
I had an unfortunate dye job from a friend once that had me resembling Seth.
Seth is the caliber of the outsourcing employees that the company wants to replace our current RES agents.
I wonder of he's been introduced to Ted, who also favours bright, garish colours.
JayBrian said:
Maybe Seth could be the next Dell Dude.

LOL,..,, I was thinking the very same thing. Only thing is, the Delldude got axed from Dell because he was caught dealing and doing drugs. Have ya seen him lately???? NOT. 😱
No he was caught buying pot in NYC, he did not deal nor ever confirm his use.
So, US got a mascot. Okay, sounds to me like someone at corporate has a new girlfriend who happened to be an advertising major in college, and she had this fabulous idea one night over backgammon and white zinfindel.

"Hey! I figured it all out! You guys don't have a cute mascot! How do you expect anyone to fly if you don't have a gimmick? Well, I know exactly the mascot you need! I came up with him during my senior project when I was in the Tri-Mu's, getting ready for Homecoming at the University of Jerkwater......."

It's an airline. Sell destinations with low fares and quick service. They last longer than mascots.