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May 22, 2004
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US Airways Group, Inc. (NYSE: LCC - News) will conduct a live audio webcast of its third quarter 2006 financial results conference call with the financial community on Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. EDT (8:00 a.m. PDT).
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050223/LAW097LOGO)

The webcast will be available to the public on a listen-only basis at the company's Web site, www.usairways.com. An archive of the webcast will be available on the site through November 26. Listeners to the webcast will need a current version of Windows MediaPlayer software and at least a 28.8 kbps connection to the Internet.

any predictions????????????????

only stating opinions.
Personally, I have no clue but the First Call concensus has been dropping with each new revision. The latest, out yesterday, is for $1.26 per share profit or about $110 million profit.

Calyon Securities downgraded LCC.

This downgrade is, to me, just noise. Most airlines have made negative comments since the August London terrorist scare, and TSA overreaction.

Will the company say anything negative with regards to higher fuel burns. If not, why has this issue been brought up at Check Airman meeting(s)?! (Before anyone jumps in with a "cheap oil" comment, remember, LCC was hedged at $70+ for the 3rd quarter).

I am saying 75 million (give or take 5 million). They need to start making US look a little less RICH if they are going to try and shove cost neutral up our a22's! I know the flights I have been working have been FULL.
Blood Money…if any profit is announced, it is accomplished through the sacrifices the employees gave.

Not this great miracle mind of Doug Parker….!!

Blood Money…if any profit is announced, it is accomplished through the sacrifices the employees gave.

Not this great miracle mind of Doug Parker….!!


Blood money is a little harsh. Contary to your comments, DP has proven the analyst wrong so far. Don't get me wrong I left Airways because I didn't like the direction management was taking labor. So I'm on the side of those who decided to stay.
Profitt Sharing my behind!

That's the employees hard earned sweat money!
with Q3 profits estimated to be about half of Q2 and the current "Everything Counts" DM promotion, one has to wonder if the number of disgusted FF'ers who have left were the primary reason for the drop in profits?

No the primary reason was the new threat and the security changes. It has slowed the big RASM increases we where seeing. Nothing more