Come on K.C.! Is that the best you can do?Odd...memes are for those who can't think.
Not sure what state he lives in (besides confusion) Obama won't be on the ballot in mine.
Come on K.C.! Is that the best you can do?
It seems you should stop voting since it seems lead to more X confusion out there in Commiefornia. Gov Moon Beam is the best that Commiefornia can come up with, it's all down hill from here.I already voted.
Not much choice here in KommieFornia but I pulled the trigger.
Just more crappy choices and more voting against than for.
Just couldn't vote for Newsome as GOV.
Hopefully, the RepubliRat will not make me regret my choice like voting 4 Mr. PumpkinHead
How true it is!!!![]()