In case you haven't heard the DC Attorney Gen has said trump could be charged with inciting riots. 1 bank has closed all of Trump account which contains 5.3 million. This morning Deutsche bank has ended all business ties to trump n his trump organization. So apparently youre either unaware and uninformed bout trumps activity involving the riots or youre pretending it never occurred. It speaks volumes when even major corporations stop paying into both parties..of which 57% is funded into the GOP.
It also speaks volumes when BLM and ANTIFA loot, vandalize, burn, assault, and kill and the media calls it "mostly peaceful" protest, with a car on fire behind them no less.

The left loves to paint BLM victims as they victimize. If BLM is so damned concerned about black lives they should start in Chicago where blacks kill blacks every damn day at alarming numbers. Of course blacks killing blacks does not fit their narrative of blacks being victims of white "oppressors" so those deaths are ignored.

BLM has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with pushing a Marxist political movement, just like ANTIFA. As far as I am concerned BLM is guilty of insurrection and treason as they seek to subjugate their communities. In my opinion they should be rounded up and executed.
It also speaks volumes when BLM and ANTIFA loot, vandalize, burn, assault, and kill and the media calls it "mostly peaceful" protest, with a car on fire behind them no less.

The left loves to paint BLM victims as they victimize. If BLM is so damned concerned about black lives they should start in Chicago where blacks kill blacks every damn day at alarming numbers. Of course blacks killing blacks does not fit their narrative of blacks being victims of white "oppressors" so those deaths are ignored.

BLM has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with pushing a Marxist political movement, just like ANTIFA. As far as I am concerned BLM is guilty of insurrection and treason as they seek to subjugate their communities. In my opinion they should be rounded up and executed.
Difference is BLM did not invade the capitol. They did not kill a cop n 4 others. The trumpsters who invaded capitol...few them even told media and FBI they went there bec trump told them. Peaceful protests are a ok. But the ones who incite and actually committ the violence is flat out wrong and should be held accountable. In last Wednesday case trump should be held accountable (the DC Atty Gen may charge him) bec no one is above the law. Ive always told people this bec i believe it is true. It doesn't matter who groups are theres good bad n the ugly everywhere
Difference is BLM did not invade the capitol. They did not kill a cop n 4 others. The trumpsters who invaded capitol...few them even told media and FBI they went there bec trump told them. Peaceful protests are a ok. But the ones who incite and actually committ the violence is flat out wrong and should be held accountable. In last Wednesday case trump should be held accountable (the DC Atty Gen may charge him) bec no one is above the law. Ive always told people this bec i believe it is true. It doesn't matter who groups are theres good bad n the ugly everywhere
Yeah you are right, they did not invade the capital, they invaded whole cities.

ANTIFA annexed a police department. Remember CHAZ/CHOP?

I really don't want to hear your rhetoric after BLM marched down the street chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon.". BLM has a history of inciting violence against law enforcement, or have you forgotten that?

Do you even know when the BLM phrase started? It started during the acquittal of George Zimmerman, which had NOTHING to do with law enforcement. There is also the fact Trayvon Martin was slamming Zimmerman's head into the ground over and over when Zimmerman shot him. Of course that is not the narrative the lying ass media ran. According to them Trayvon Martin was an angelic youth, a paragon of innocence, who was shot by a white (who was actually Hispanic) racist.


Your whole perception of BLM is a house of cards, one I am happy to knock down. BLM was born from a lie propagated by the media. However BLM started, regardless of actual intent, what it has become is a Marxist political movement.

I am also happy to point out your double standards and hypocrisy.

The leftist media has pushed false narratives and outright lies for years that have caused injuries, deaths, and BILLIONS (at least) of dollars in damage.

Trump could not even begin to do the damage the left has done to this country over the last 20 years. Not even close. His tweets are hardly competition for a concentrated effort by the left to inundate American citizens with nonstop propaganda.

I find it funny what the left tries to pin on Trump that they themselves are either responsible for or guilty of as well. The left accuses Trump of propagating racism yet they have been doing it for as long as I can remember. Trayvon Martin: Lie, Michael Brown: lie, Eric Garner: lie. All lies told to divide the country along racial lines and cause civil unrest (the left's pet name for rioting), yet your dumb ass thinks Trump is the problem. Get a clue.
Like ive said. Violence is never ok. Antifa. Violent members etc is never good. Nope did not forget bout it. Im not clueless S u think nor as dumb as u think or say. I used to be a republican but turned demo after GW failure. Voted demo from 04 to 12 while registered republican. Switched parties in 12. Plenty of policy failures on both parties. Plenty of corruption and other issues on both sides. Burning down bldgs is flat out evil. But how bout getting real politicians who will fix things. Who designate those domestic groups terror organization? Im happy to point out your double standard on the right. Neither side had good candidate. Once again in case u forgot I have given trump credit for forging peace deals btwn Israel and some Arab countries. Even sort of helping Qatar get out of their lock from Saidi traps n blockade. I credit trump for helping airlines. If he had done better w virus id bet u he would of won 2nd term. But bec of his failure at that the economy tanked. Millions jobs lost. Then he incited capitol coup attempt. He now is only president in history to be impeached. His good ole folks quitting left n right. It speaks volumes when 10 repubs cross over n impeach their party leader. Speaks volumes when mitch is in favor of impeachment. He does want trump convicted. Wth does that say. If any demo did this id be for tossing them out.
Yeah you are right, they did not invade the capital, they invaded whole cities.

ANTIFA annexed a police department. Remember CHAZ/CHOP?

I really don't want to hear your rhetoric after BLM marched down the street chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon.". BLM has a history of inciting violence against law enforcement, or have you forgotten that?

Do you even know when the BLM phrase started? It started during the acquittal of George Zimmerman, which had NOTHING to do with law enforcement. There is also the fact Trayvon Martin was slamming Zimmerman's head into the ground over and over when Zimmerman shot him. Of course that is not the narrative the lying ass media ran. According to them Trayvon Martin was an angelic youth, a paragon of innocence, who was shot by a white (who was actually Hispanic) racist.


Your whole perception of BLM is a house of cards, one I am happy to knock down. BLM was born from a lie propagated by the media. However BLM started, regardless of actual intent, what it has become is a Marxist political movement.

I am also happy to point out your double standards and hypocrisy.

The leftist media has pushed false narratives and outright lies for years that have caused injuries, deaths, and BILLIONS (at least) of dollars in damage.

Trump could not even begin to do the damage the left has done to this country over the last 20 years. Not even close. His tweets are hardly competition for a concentrated effort by the left to inundate American citizens with nonstop propaganda.

I find it funny what the left tries to pin on Trump that they themselves are either responsible for or guilty of as well. The left accuses Trump of propagating racism yet they have been doing it for as long as I can remember. Trayvon Martin: Lie, Michael Brown: lie, Eric Garner: lie. All lies told to divide the country along racial lines and cause civil unrest (the left's pet name for rioting), yet your dumb ass thinks Trump is the problem. Get a clue.

To coin a phrase the right likes to use all the time...If George Zimmerman would have only listened to the 911 operator who told him to stop following him, he would never have had his head bashed into the ground.
To coin a phrase the right likes to use all the time...If George Zimmerman would have only listened to the 911 operator who told him to stop following him, he would never have had his head bashed into the ground.
I have said that exact same thing on this very forum.

So what is your point KCFlyer?

We were not talking about one man's poor judgement. We were talking about those that incite violence and rioting, which the media did, by pushing a false narrative to drive an agenda.

Do try to keep up.
Like ive said. Violence is never ok. Antifa. Violent members etc is never good. Nope did not forget bout it. Im not clueless S u think nor as dumb as u think or say. I used to be a republican but turned demo after GW failure. Voted demo from 04 to 12 while registered republican. Switched parties in 12. Plenty of policy failures on both parties. Plenty of corruption and other issues on both sides. Burning down bldgs is flat out evil. But how bout getting real politicians who will fix things. Who designate those domestic groups terror organization? Im happy to point out your double standard on the right. Neither side had good candidate. Once again in case u forgot I have given trump credit for forging peace deals btwn Israel and some Arab countries. Even sort of helping Qatar get out of their lock from Saidi traps n blockade. I credit trump for helping airlines. If he had done better w virus id bet u he would of won 2nd term. But bec of his failure at that the economy tanked. Millions jobs lost. Then he incited capitol coup attempt. He now is only president in history to be impeached. His good ole folks quitting left n right. It speaks volumes when 10 repubs cross over n impeach their party leader. Speaks volumes when mitch is in favor of impeachment. He does want trump convicted. Wth does that say. If any demo did this id be for tossing them out.
If you truly believe that then stop making posts that suggest this started with Trump because this mess started WAY before his time.

Race tensions precede Trump.

Anger over government overreach precedes Trump.

Let's not forget you had leftist politicians encouraging ANTIFA and BLM as well. You even had government officials telling the police to stand down as they ran amok.

Yet somehow these treasonous bastards feel justified in throwing stones in their glass houses.

They certainly don't enjoy the same criticism from the media as Trump. Now why do you suppose that is?
Which party is that? TrumpORats Or RububliRats.
Trump is not a Republican, He is for himself and doesn't give a rats ass for the constitution that he took an oath protect and defend. Much less the people.
and IMO Trump is completely without conscience and is a sociopath.:eek:
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