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The War on Delta has started

Kev3188 said:
The only place that considers these sorts of contests a "war" is the C-Suite.
I'm not even sure they consider it a war in the C-Suite... Maybe the foamers like WT and on Airliners.net think it is, but to everyone else, it's just business.
and where did I see that I cared anyone about scores for operations performance?

other than employees who get bonuses for their own company's operational performance, they don't care where they fall in the ranks.

And yes airline mgmts care a great deal about their rankings in many areas and push strong performance. AS, HA, and WN have all aggressively advertised their strong operational performance.

As was noted before, this isn't targeted to DL alone.
WorldTraveler said:
and where did I see that I cared anyone about scores for operations performance?
Oh, I don't know. Perhaps it was one of a couple hundred posts where you qualified some sliver of a statistic to try and show that DL had indeed conquered AA, UA, or whoever else's forum you were trolling that day.
IOW, I didn't say that.

would you like to discuss the issues that I have raised and to which you object?
WorldTraveler said:
and where did I see that I cared anyone about scores for operations performance?.
WorldTraveler said:
DL outperformed the industry on unit revenues.for the year DLs mainline capacity was flat while regional carrier capacity was down 8.5%.DLs CASM in the 4th quarter increased but remained lower AA, the only other network carriers that has reported their 4th quarter financials. DLs RASM is also higher than AAs for the year to date and DL's RASM growth outperformed the industry.DL will pay out almost $375M in employee profit sharing or 6 2/3% of employee salaries, perhaps the highest level of profit sharing in the airline industry.DOT data for the 3rd quarter has also recently been released and shows that DLs strategies for 2012, which predominantly focused on NYC are delivering solid results. DL is now the largest domestic airline from the 3 NYC major airports, has almost a 40% market share at LGA, and is the largest revenue carrier at both LGA and JFK.After the slot deal, DL now has almost 40% of the local market in LGA-MIA, almost half in LGA-PIT, and has increased its share of the LGA-ORD local market to 19%. DLs schedule post slot deal includes service to every airline hub that a competitor serves from LGA and DL has reached a 15% or more share of the local market in each of those hub markets. Outside of NYC, DLs strongest intl performance was to/from Japan, including HND where its LAX-HND flight is nearing fare levels comparable to its LAX-NRT which is it the US industrys top flights for revenue per seat.DLs presence at ATL, MSP, DTW, and SLC remained consistent relative to its competitors but DL gave up a couple points of market share in both CVG and MEM.Other industry highlights show that AA continues to lose market share in NYC, ORD, and DFW while MIA is growing due to Latin America growth. US share of DCA grew as a result of the slot swap while CLT and PHX are stable. UA is gaining ground on AA at ORD and has been successful in slowing low fare carrier growth in ORD; UA is regaining share from F9 at DEN although WN is now the largest carrier at DEN in terms of passengers boarded.
operations performance usually does not include financial metrics but rather on-time, baggage handling, flight completions etc. The DOT's airline consumer report focuses on operational data, not financial.

It still doesn't change that Kev's statement is correct. Most employees don't care if their carrier achieves its goals operationally RELATIVE to other carriers. Most carriers do provide some sort of operational bonus so employees care if they obtain those rewards.

This topic is based on the idea that AA/US need to beat other carriers. most employees don't care whether they beat anyone... just that they individually win.
Splitting hairs between financial and operational performance?...

I don't disagree with you that most employees could care less about anything other than the rates of pay at another carrier.

But the other point also stands -- you're the one most likely to refer to how "DL is winning" -- repeatedly, and often using comparative statistics to try and prove the point.

so, is any of that information incorrect?

would you like to reopen any of those discussions?

perhaps you can provide us some comparative data of your own that would show how this "war" might turn out.
The point still stands that you are more focused on "winning" than the employees are.

I could honestly care less about re-opening any of those conversations, but hey, if you want to prove who is "winning" then go for it...
oh, there are employees who are concerned about winning at any company.

I am still wondering what you want to contribute to this discussion.... do you really think there is a war? Are there really people who want to play? What are the strategies?
The fact is that there are probably very few people, who do not get paid by Delta or an investment firm, who care about Delta "winning" (whatever that really means) as much as WT does.

Wait, I forgot about spectator.
so what?

if the facts are incorrect, challenge them.

If not, why does it bother you who wins or what anyone says?

you could help us out with a little perspective on the story since you're here. We'd love to hear your thoughts on why AA mgmt thinks they need to win against DL. Go ahead and handicap it too.
Ok so Delta mechanics get $39/hr which equals $1560/week
We earn $34.40 which equals $1376/week
So with us at the bottom of the industry they earn, just in wages, $184/week more than us. So now they want us to go out there and jump through hoops for a full month, make them number one and all they want to give us is $150 for the month? We should give them number one for around $800 a month less than the people we beat get paid? Talk about a hollow victory!! Not worth engaging in that challenge. Come back when you are serious.
 Try offering at least parity, that means at least $790/month. $150 doesn't even make up for one week. Maybe throw Profit sharing back in as well like they have.
I say 'Let management know "you get what you pay for"'. Don't strive to give them number one when in return they are still offering bottom of the industry. Give them what they give us, quid pro quo. You want number one, pay us number one. They can start to show their intentions by getting a deal with the mechanics at the IAM. What they are doing now is basically saying that they want to keep us at the very bottom even though they have achieved becoming the largest carrier in the world. When we met with them they claimed they would be willing to pay what other carriers paid when they became as big as them, well now they are bigger but they aren't keeping to their word.
just a reminder to add 8.2% to the DL salaries above since that is what 2013 profit sharing amounts to... and then add in operational performance bonuses (that is the topic of this discussion isn't it?) are a couple percent of each DL employee's salaries.

and then subtract union dues.
WorldTraveler said:
just a reminder to add 8.2% to the DL salaries above since that is what 2013 profit sharing amounts to... and then add in operational performance bonuses (that is the topic of this discussion isn't it?) are a couple percent of each DL employee's salaries.

and then subtract union dues.
take your delta panties and go home please.

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