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So TELL ME, Insp69, How is your WALL coming along ?
I'm reading that the latest successful tool is Rebar ladders, a shite-load of them.
I'd love to have $10 for those WHO ARE STILL getting IN,................. despite the M O R O N S, Idiotic Wall !!
So TELL ME, Insp69, How is your WALL coming along ?
I'm reading that the latest successful tool is Rebar ladders, a shite-load of them.
I'd love to have $10 for those WHO ARE STILL getting IN,................. despite the M O R O N S, Idiotic Wall !!
Upside the head.....

Again, El Chapo is permanently ' on Ice ', but that gives him extra time for drawing up new tunnels, or ladders, all-the-while laughing himself non-stop !

You do realize that the M O R O N only has 4 months left, to make good on 2 UNFILLED promises that he made to his LEMMINGS, of building a WALL from Brownsville TX, to SAN, and repealing Obamacare ?
Here you go Bears! Although you could have looked this up yourself.
Trump tours wall as construction hits 200-mile mark, says southern border has 'never been more secure'

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