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Hey, I grew up out there! The City of Hollywood is a slum! Has been for years. But I don't believe anyone has ever tried taking them on legally. In fact I've found that it ain't that offal hard. I had a run in with the City of Santa Clarita over property rights before I pulled my family out of "Kommiefornia", and came out on top.

Hey i hear ya man. I lived in so cal for 25 years. They run their own show despite whatever laws/constitution is on the books. That's why they have turned it into a raging shlthole.

How many of them said that building a wall with a thousand mile gap in it was going to keep housewives and coeds from being raped.

FWIW, in the late 90's, the Republicans voted in on the "Contract with America" wanted "open borders" because they would help keep labor costs down. Tom Delay had visions of Houston becoming as stateside version of Saipan...bring up Mexican "guest workers", pay them peanuts, work them until they die or quit and leave. Where's your meme on that?
The Libtards in Washington just turns a blind eye and deaf ear to this fact. Then their minion sheep follow suit.
See my post to La....What about the Republican stance on immingration, going back to God...er...Reagan?
How many of them said that building a wall with a thousand mile gap in it was going to keep housewives and coeds from being raped.

FWIW, in the late 90's, the Republicans voted in on the "Contract with America" wanted "open borders" because they would help keep labor costs down. Tom Delay had visions of Houston becoming as stateside version of Saipan...bring up Mexican "guest workers", pay them peanuts, work them until they die or quit and leave. Where's your meme on that?
More political BS from the Republican Party. I’m not delusional like you are as far as I’m concerned their not much better than the Dems. In some way they are worse. #Walkaway, did that on my own accord since Ross Perot. I’m Independant now. No Minion here such as yourself.
More political BS from the Republican Party. I’m not delusional like you are as far as I’m concerned their not much better than the Dems. In some way they are worse. #Walkaway, did that on my own accord since Ross Perot. I’m Independant now. No Minion here such as yourself.
My votes since I could vote in 1976

1976 - Gerald Ford (BECAUSE of the Nixon pardon)
1980 - John Anderson
1984 - no vote
1988 -Michael Dukakis
1992 - Ross Perot
1996 - Bob Dole
2000 - Al Gore
2004 - John Kerry
2008 - Obama (leaned toward McCain until his selection of Palin)
2012 - Obama
2016 - no vote. Did not like either candidate and Electoral college was going to give Trump my state anyways.

I bet I've always been less of a minion than you most likely ever have been
It's not the Presidency we should be worried about!

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